Monday, August 31, 2015

Israel Violates The Shemitah, Goes Unpunished By God

Spirit News Weekly Featured

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Israel Violates The Shemitah, Goes Unpunished By God CONTRIBUTOR: . Vid 5:45 Our debts have been forgiven and our country has reopened for business Rabbi Jonathan Cahn makes it on the New York Times bestseller list for over two years in a row with his book proclaiming God's judgment is coming...

A Different Approach to Guilt, Blame and Forgiveness

CONTRIBUTOR: . 31st August 2015 By Michael J. Roads Guest Writer for Wake Up World Guilt, blame and the need for forgiveness are very common problems for humanity. In this article I intend to approach this from a completely different viewpoint. As a spiritual teacher, I am very aware that in everyday...

"Shamanic Transformations" CONTRIBUTOR: . I am a contributing writer for the new book "Shamanic Transformations: True Stories of the Moment of Awakening." It is a collection of inspiring accounts from contemporary shamans about their first moments of spiritual epiphany. Contributing writers include Sandra Ingerman, Hank Wesselman, John Perkins, Alberto Villoldo, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Tom Cowan,...

Music Is Love

CONTRIBUTOR: . 31st August 2015 By Carmen Allgood Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Where Have All the Flowers Gone? In 1967 we saw “The Summer of Love” gathering speed, setting the stage in San Francisco for a radical change that no one could have predicted. Well, maybe Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce...

Pagan Eye: The Uffington White Horse in the Rain CONTRIBUTOR: . Rain and fog are not the best conditions to climb up to the Uffington White Horse, but they are rather typical weather conditions for English August Bank Holidays.This was the view I got yesterday. But although visibility wasn't exactly great I'm still glad I made the effort. I also walked...

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