S Y N 0 P S I S - Russ Dizdar, a faithful servant of the LORD, has performed deliverance of hundreds of people from demonic possession [ only one aspect of the complete ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ ]. Pastor Dizdar believes it is ESSENTIAL that Christians be fully trained within the Body of Christ which enables protection, knowledge and understanding against the wiles of he devil - equipping them against the "Black Awakening" which is almost upon God's people. Over the past thirty years Russ has gained extensive experience and has become an expert on Multiple Personality Disorder [MPD] commonly referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder [DID], Satanic Ritual Abuse and MKUltra type mind control -Trauma Based Mind Control. During his time in ministry Pastor Dizdar has worked with victims and perpetrators of "cult crime" and has discovered a "hidden underground", the masses could never imagine exists. These "chosen ones" [according to their testemonies] are planning for something identified as "The Black Awakening". Russ and his team at the ministry website, http://shatterthedarkness.net, aim to do whatever they can by healing and rescuing victims by attempting to expose the perpetrators of satanic crimes with the hope/aim of bringing justice to victims. Overall, the message of this video is to emphasise that through prayer and deliverance using the POWER, AUTHORITY and ABSOLUTE LOVE of the KING of all kings JESUS CHRIST, GODS children can be SAVED THROUGH SALVATION through the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
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