Friday, August 28, 2015

Despite Historic Drought, California Farmers Are Enjoying Record Revenue. How Is That Possible?

Environment News Weekly Featured

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Despite Historic Drought, California Farmers Are Enjoying Record Revenue. How Is That Possible? CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. California is an agricultural powerhouse, supplying the majority of the nation’s fruits, vegetables, and nuts. California also happens to be in the midst...

Manifesto: Act to Stop Climate Crimes!

CONTRIBUTOR: . Cross-posted from Climate and Capitalism, an online journal focusing on capitalism, climate change, and the ecosocialist alternative. A call for mass action in Paris to declare our determination to stop crimate climes and keep fossil fuels in the ground....

Bobby Jindal: Katrina Anniversary Is Not The Place For ‘Liberal Environmental Activism’

CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. President Obama is heading to New Orleans Thursday to mark the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. But there’s one subject Louisiana Gov. Bobby...

A Tale of Three Farms—in the Shenandoah Valley CONTRIBUTOR: . by Mark KastelI admit I’m kind of crazy. I don’t take too many vacations. But I do get out of my office frequently and really enjoy the opportunity to meet our members, and new folks, around the country while visiting their farms.In the middle of August I was invited to...

7 Out Of 10 Americans Want Their States To Comply With The EPA’s Climate Plan

CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. Americans support the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan by a margin of nearly two to one, a new poll from the League...

What Climate Justice Has To Do With Hurricane Katrina CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. The tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina will — as in years past — be commemorated by a second line parade to honor the...

Confessions of a frustrated "soil-hugger" CONTRIBUTOR: . As a soil scientist you would expect me to be enthusiastic about the benefits that soil gives to humanity and very happy that the United Nations designated 2015 as International Year of Soils. During this year there have been numerous activities throughout the world to draw attention of a wider...

New Orleans’ Greatest Threat Is Climate Change Plus The ‘Loop Current’ Plus A Future Katrina CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. Future Katrinas will become more and more devastating to New Orleans and the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we don’t tackle climate change...

The Fat House of Lords

CONTRIBUTOR: . The House of Lords is, as the political commentators are keen to point out, the second largest legislative chamber in the world. The largest is in China, a nation of 1.4 billion people, compared with the 64 billion people of the United Kingdom. It shows just how much the United...

Even if you buy the science, the policy still fails CONTRIBUTOR: . In a recent speech to the Washington-based think tank Resources for the Future, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy promoted the White House’s new Clean Power Plan by: (a) appealing to science and disallowing any debate about it; (b) making statements unsupported by the science; (c) praising the economic analysis behind the...

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