Friday, August 28, 2015

Interdimensional Being SHOWS UP day of move, same day as 4 blood moons and MY Numerology #s Exactly! Pictures!

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Extraordinary Sighting in Australia's UFO Hotspot

CONTRIBUTOR: . Australia's Northern Territory is known as the UFO capital of Australia. The Northern Territory records more UFO sightings than any other area of Australia and is known as an hotspot for UFO sightings. Sightings are reported year round from the Top End in Darwin all the way to Alice Springs...

The Remains of a 200,000-Year-Old Advanced Civilization Found in Africa CONTRIBUTOR: . The incredible discovery was made in South Africa, around 150 km west of port Maputo. There, we find the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, according to tests, around 1500 square kilometers. This ancient city is, according to researchers, part of an even larger community with about 10,000 square...

Miracle? Watch Jesus Christ Head 'MOVE' During Prayer

CONTRIBUTOR: . Hundreds of Christians are flocking to church to witness a 'miracle' image of the Jesus Christ who appears to join in with the prayer. Stunned believers filmed the astonishing moment her head appeared to move on the artwork during Mass. Footage shows the congregation...

The Large Breasted Bigfoot Has Been Enhanced! (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . From Birdman 649: A big thank you to Rainbow Moon Raven for this photo enhancement of my video of the Large Breasted Sasquatch now Titled Adult Sasquatch with Juveniles. I believe their are 2 juvenile sasquatch clutching to the adults chest. Also one in the tree above it....

Interdimensional Being SHOWS UP day of move, same day as 4 blood moons and MY Numerology #s Exactly! Pictures!

CONTRIBUTOR: . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Love is the way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF LOADING UP OUR U-HAUL AND MOVING OUT This is weird people. I am a big believer of Numerology. I found it happenening a lot in my life. This is just one example of how. I was...

8 foot tall, biped, winged-creature seen in Butler County, Pennsylvania

CONTRIBUTOR: . Not just one, but several reports have surfaced in the Butler County area regarding a giant winged creature. The story comes to us from Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone and I must say, Stan has got me excited. Maybe it's my fascination with Mothman or my interest in Bigfoot,...

Trail Cam From Alberta shows Uknown Creature CONTRIBUTOR: . We love anomalous trail cam photos. Whether they’re clearly fake images of the Chupacabra, widely circulatedviral marketing for a film, or just a bear with mange, there’s something eerie about a lonely camera snapping grainy photos of anything that wanders by. Well, we’ve got a brand spanking new one for you...

Low flying triangle UFO photographed by Pennsylvania witness CONTRIBUTOR: . A Pennsylvania witness at Valley Forge reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO hovering over trees in a nearby park, according to testimony in Case 62584 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Witness image 6. (Credit: MUFON) The incident occurred on January 7, 2015, while the...

This Finland Bigfoot Story Is Really Creepy (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . The Fear Channel on Youtube shares this creepy bigfoot story all the way from Finland. Have you ever heard of a bigfoot running down a wall like a lizard? Neither have we! This is a story you want to listen to. Thanks Check out more contributions...

Close Encounter With An Alien Pyramid Ufo In North Dakota CONTRIBUTOR: . CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH AN ALIEN PYRAMID UFO IN NORTH DAKOTA    APRIL 2010  ……..  MINOT AIR FORCE BASE NORTH DAKOTA    I as stationed at Minot Air Force Base in Minot, North Dakota. While on post one night, about 2300 hours, a sentry noticed something strange in the sky while scanning...

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