Monday, August 31, 2015

Islamic State's Effort to Wipe Out Humanity's Past; Noam Chomsky: How US Helped Create Islamic State

Christian News News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

A Hush Descends CONTRIBUTOR: . A Hush Descends Loving hands reach out to transform, to banish disease, human pain is eased; rejoicing in a restoration to wholeness, marvelling in grace filled forgiveness. Love wastes no time in expressing Christ’s purpose; burdens to loose, love holds this earth, for God has come to birth.A hush descends,...

Last of the Arctic Ice; Thousands of Walruses Stranded; Africa's Penguins Perishing

CONTRIBUTOR: . The last ice area in the Arctic. Where once the Arctic was an almost eternally frozen region, global warming has created vast changes. Disappearing sea ice forces thousands of walruses to haul out on the coast of Alaska. The 7th time in 9 years that walruses have been...

China Can Handle Crisis, US Will Crash; Increased Work Income Uncertainty

CONTRIBUTOR: . China Can Ride Out Crisis, We're On Course For Crash. Market gyrations that followed “Black Monday” underlined the fragility of what is supposed to be an international recovery. Upsurge in Uncertainty About Work Income. As Labor Day looms, more Americans than ever don’t know how much they’ll be...

New Orleans Schools Shock Doctrine; Greatest Crime in Wake of Katrina

CONTRIBUTOR: . Shock Doctrine: A Look at the Mass Privatization of NOLA Schools in Storm's Wake. Just two weeks after Hurricane Katrina, the city fired 7,500 public school teachers, launching a new push to privatize the school system and build a network of charter schools. "Greatest Crime" in Wake of...

Disastrous US Post-9/11 Plans; CIA Funded Socialist Literary Magazines

CONTRIBUTOR: . Declassified CIA Documents Reveal How Disastrous America’s Post-9/11 Plans Really Were. Dislocation in one part of these networks causes problems in others; equilibrium is easy to disturb, but not easy to restore. Literary Magazines For Socialists Funded By The CIA. The CIA had been responsible for secretly financing...

Mass Incarceration vs Rural Appalachia; North Dakota Police Can Use Taser-Armed Drones

CONTRIBUTOR: . Mass Incarceration Vs Rural Appalachia. A new prison was built at an average rate of one every two weeks in the ’90s, almost entirely in rural communities. As of 2002, there were already more prisoners in this country than farmers. Police In North Dakota Can Now Use Drones...

Teen Faces Life for Breaking Police Car Window; Obama's Heroin Strategy

CONTRIBUTOR: . Bullock Trial Begins Friday. 18-year-old Allen Bullock broke a police car window during the Baltimore uprisings. He faces life in prison and a bail higher than those set for the six police officers charged in the killing of Freddie Gray. Obama's Heroin Strategy: Treating Addiction or Arming the...

Roundup Link to Kidney, Liver Disease; DuPont Shit Hit the Fan; Latvia, Greece Win Opt-Out from Monsanto GM Crop

CONTRIBUTOR: . More evidence of Roundup's link to kidney, liver damage. Long-term exposure to tiny amounts of Roundup—thousands of times lower than what is permitted in U.S. drinking water—may lead to serious problems in the liver and kidneys, according to a new study. Parkersburg, West Virginia. Home to one of...

Islamic State's Effort to Wipe Out Humanity's Past; Noam Chomsky: How US Helped Create Islamic State

CONTRIBUTOR: . Islamic State’s Dangerous Effort to Wipe Out Humanity’s Past. The destruction of the ruins of a temple in the ancient city of Palmyra is an attempt to reduce history to a mere digital memory, the epistemological equivalent of a LOLCats meme or a Vine prank. VIDEO: Noam Chomsky...

The Greatest Story of Our Time — CENSORED!

CONTRIBUTOR: . The Greatest Story of Our Time — CENSORED! By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© — A Living Christ Would any of you consider newsworthy the claim of a living man identified as a Living Christ, whose work on the Internet would bring to an end to the Tyranny of Hell...

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