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. The book of Revelation is difficult to understand, and is much twisted and
misused in our day, as many Christians today are not well studied in the secular
histories of either Israel or Rome, and without that knowledge it can be very
hard to grasp all of the clues. But,...
. I've accepted the Holy Spirit very recently, and I feel the urgency of his
Holy Spirit in my heart to tell you this immediately. I keep on getting the
nudge in my mind and spirit that the great Lord Jesus Christ is coming... and
coming very soon! I could specifically...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Havana, Cuba, Aug 27, 2015 /
02:24 pm (CNA).- The leader of a human rights group is concerned that the Cuban
government will repeat its 2012 crackdown on opposition activists when Pope
Francis visits the nation next month. During Pope Benedict XVI’s visit three
years ago, Cuban officials made arrests...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Vatican City, Aug 27, 2015 /
06:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Benedict XVI considers the quest for God to be
contemporary society's foremost challenge, according to one of the emeritus
Pope's former students, who has organized the annual meeting of Ratzinger's
students to discuss that very topic. The Ratzinger Schuelerkreis will...
CONTRIBUTOR: . New Orleans, La., Aug 27, 2015 /
04:13 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- For Sister Greta Jupiter, SSF, it was an odd
sensation driving through New Orleans East in the months after Hurricane
Katrina. Her neighborhood was quiet. The power, out. Gone was the familiar white
noise of birds chirping. There was...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Cucuta, Colombia, Aug 27, 2015 /
11:36 am (CNA/EWTN News).- With thousands of Colombian residents of Venezuela
being driven from their homes amid a border crisis and martial law, the bishop
of a Colombian border city is encouraging his people to assist the displaced.
Since last week, more than 6,000...
. The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth When Divine Anarchy Rules the Land. By
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ This is a simple story about a
Simple Man of Truth. A Sovereign Son of God, a creation of Divine Intelligence
possessed of the simple wisdom of Truth....
CONTRIBUTOR: . Washington D.C., Aug 28, 2015 /
12:25 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A proposed federal bill to combat human trafficking
and forced labor in the corporate supply chain is an opportunity for Catholics
to speak up in defense of oppressed people around the world, its supporters say.
“As Catholics in the United...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Lima, Peru, Aug 28, 2015 / 04:02
am (CNA/EWTN News).- The face of the first saint of the New World may be better
known than ever, thanks to a team of scientists that has analyzed the skull of
Saint Rose of Lima. Scientists from the University of Saint Martin de...
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