Saturday, August 29, 2015

Quayle Alert: National Guard Very Concerned That Obama was Going to Send Out Most of the Military Out of the Country

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Quayle Alert: National Guard Very Concerned That Obama was Going to Send Out Most of the Military Out of the Country CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. Steve Quayle Alert Talking to a Sargent first class in the Army Guard yesterday. They said Many Americans are not aware what is happening in there country. They said isis is everywhere in our country. Americans think By stocking on guns and ammo that they will be able to stop...


God Has Just Issued A Brand New Urgent Warning To America-Wait Until You See This! Disaster Is At Our Door! (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. 1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw. 2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!” And You will not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are...



CONTRIBUTOR: Realitynews.International. Source:


Very Serious Problems with the WDBJ Shooting Story CONTRIBUTOR: American Everyman. by Scott Creighton As a young man growing up in Lynchburg, I visited Smith Mountain Lake several times. It’s a beautiful location that brings back a lot of memories for me and I wish it hadn’t been used in such a manner as it was yesterday morning. While some supposedly...


Are You Prepared for September 2015? Update CONTRIBUTOR: tstive. It's been a little over two months since I posted this original article. Prior to that I had never put anything up on a news website. Within 24 hours it became the #1 story with thousands of views. I had only hoped a few hundred people might read it. Even...


#VirginiaShooting NEW INFO! 3rd Camera Spotted! WDBJ Missed This! CONTRIBUTOR: Ok... Are you ready for the answers? Well you've come to the wrong place. lol... Be prepared to start asking more questions after this video. I took my time to go through this video slowly. The truth is I was shocked that no one noticed the security camera that the...


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Hacked !! Breaking the hypnotic code of Reptilians!!! Red alert - you can now see them !! CONTRIBUTOR: beefree. Break the Reptilian hypnotic code of disillusionment!!! You can see them face to face!! Don't do this - if you are not ready !! Are you ready to meet our Galactic Family ? Face to face - eye to eye They are here, hack the code, and be free...


Peter Schiff: When The Dollar Falls, China Won’t Be There To Catch It (VIDEO) CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. By: Shadow of Truth, The Daily Coin | Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero. – Voltaire The value of fiat currencies is based on faith – faith in the entity that is issuing the currency. In the case of the dollar, it’s issued by the Treasury...


Economic Collapse Is Predicted In 2015 – Massive 78% U.S. Depopulation

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CURATOR: Lisa Haven



CONTRIBUTOR: davidcoggan

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense



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