Monday, August 31, 2015

Environment News Weekly Featured

Environment News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

It's not a whale. It's not a shark. It's a whale shark! CONTRIBUTOR: . …or maybe it's a Whark? Whatever you want to call it, today is International Whale Shark Day! But before you start running away screaming "Jawwwwws!" don't be alarmed. With a face like a whale and a body like a shark, these seemingly frightening creatures are actually gentle giants.Found in tropical...

Collective Insanity CONTRIBUTOR: . Source"The death of trees and shrubs is so blatantly egregious that I simply do not understand what sort of collective insanity allows the residents of this state to go about their daily routines without pausing to reflect on the implications of the ecosystem collapsing in front of their very eyes."...

Image of the Day: Satellite view of agricultural fires in southwestern Africa, 27 August 2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Lynn Jenner21 May 2015 (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) – The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite collected this natural-color image which detected dozens of fires burning in southwestern Africa on May 21, 2015. The location, widespread nature, and number of fires suggest that these...

Swimming In Sewage

CONTRIBUTOR: . In Cornwall last week heavy rainfall forced the water company to pump raw sewage into the sea, to prevent it from backing up into people’s homes. It is an unusual event but not a rare event as the United Kingdom’s sewage infrastructure was designed for far fewer occupants of these...

Katrina, militarization and climate change

CONTRIBUTOR: . Cross-posted from Climate and Capitalism, an online journal focusing on capitalism, climate change, and the ecosocialist alternative. Militarized and profit-making approaches to climate emergencies and other crises pose a serious threat to environmental justice, civil rights and democracy...

Bernie Sanders: ‘Environmentalists Deserve A Debate’

CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. On Sunday, Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke out about the need for issue-specific debates, saying his fellow Democratic presidential hopefuls should be...

After a reign of hundreds of years, it's time King Coal was de-throned CONTRIBUTOR: . It's true coal launched the industrial revolution, with all the benefits that it brought to humankind. But the cost has been huge – both in terms of human health and greenhouse gas emissions. Add to that mining accidents, local people forced out of their homes to make way for new...

How we responded to the crisis that was Tianjin CONTRIBUTOR: . On Wednesday 12 August, Tianjin’s Binhai port area was rocked by two enormous chemical explosions. Greenpeace East Asia's Beijing team immediately went to the scene to test, check and measure. Here’s what they found.It was like a scene from Armageddon, but this was no Hollywood movie. Blasts so severe they...

The old man and the sea of oil CONTRIBUTOR: . Lake Imlor is nestled deep within the Russian taiga in western Siberia. More than half of Russia's oil production comes from the surrounding region. For the Indigenous Khanty people who live here, the lake is sacred. They have worshiped on its shores for generations. But the lake and traditional way...

Woo hoo! A prize for Living with Water Scarcity! CONTRIBUTOR: . Read aguanomics for the world's best analysis of the politics and economics of water It's "honorable mention," but I'll take it!Don't forget that the book is free to download (and only $10/$5 to buy in paperback/Kindle). Have you read it? If no, then why not start now? If yes,...

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