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. By John Lanagan “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness,
but instead even expose them (Ephesians 5:11). “Believers should have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, either by participation or by
any attitude that might indicate tolerance or leniency.” —Believer’s Bible
Commentary, William MacDonald, p. 1943...
. 28th August 2015 By Stacy Vajta Guest Writer For Wake Up World When it
comes to how to work with your energy for self healing and spiritual growth,
there are a lot of different modalities out there. It seems as though, as you
evolve in your awareness and ability to...
. &nb... Answers to the beginning questions! Final segment; Who is Jacob
renamed Israel and why is he so important? This is a fundamental and very
important question especially as our nations are rushing toward total collapse
and World War Three as this is being written! The knowledge...
CONTRIBUTOR: . By Patrick Wyett Football
season’s back, political theater dominates the news and people are indulging
themselves like there’s no tomorrow. I assure you there is a tomorrow and it’s
coming unlike anything you’ve ever experienced or maybe even contemplated.
Please understand and take this to heart; we are living...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Many times we fall short of the
glory of God, and after asking Him to forgive us, we don't feel forgiven.As a
child, I was raised to ask someone to forgive me - not say 'I'm sorry'. And I
was taught to say 'Yes, I forgive you' when someone asked...
. "Church of ‘witch-slapping’ pastor withdraws application to open UK
school" - story at the National Secular Society:
http://www.secularism.org.uk/news/2015/08/chu... Lion Bones May Represent Stone
Age Sacrifices" - story at Archaeology:
http://www.archaeology.org/news/3636-150825-r... Bitching Witch Movies" - story
at Papermag: http://www.papermag.com/2015/08/best_witch_mo... Turned Astrologer
Raises Seed Funding for Astrology Marketplace" - story at PR...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Lauren TurekPhoto by Lindsay
EyinkNow that Fall classes have begun, I am (naturally? neurotically?) thinking
ahead to the classes that I'll be teaching in the Spring semester. One of those
will be a course on Museums and Society, which I will be designing as an
introduction to public history as...
. The third element, or habit, of the mindfulness attitude is “Beginner’s
Mind”. What is beginner’s mind? It is “having the willingness to observe the
world as if it were your first time doing so. This creates an openness that is
essential to being mindful”. Most adults have a difficult time...
. Yesterday I began some thoughts on “The 7 Habits of Highly Mindful
People”. We continue this theme today. The second element or habit of the
mindful person is patience. Patience is “cultivating the understanding that
things must develop in their own time”. Patience is a trait that usually comes
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