Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Black Lives Matter Leader DeRay Mckesson Appointed Interim HR Chieffor Baltimore City Schools Because this city doesn't already have enough problems.

Black Lives Matter Leader DeRay Mckesson Appointed Interim HR Chieffor Baltimore City Schools

Because this city doesn't already have enough problems.

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Because the city of Baltimore doesn't already have enough problems stemming from Democrat-corruption and ineptitude. 
Black Lives Matter race hustler -- I mean, "civil rights activist" -- DeRay Mckesson is picking up the pieces after his failed mayoral run (he came in 6th place among Democratic primary candidates) by "giving back" to the community, to the kids.
Mckesson was appointed "Interim Chief Human Capital Officer" of Baltimore schools on Tuesday -- meaning he's now head of human resources and has the power to hire as many progressives as the school system's $4 million budget can handle. 
What's more, Mckesson, age 30, will enjoy a "modest" $165,000 salary, subsidized by city taxpayers. The Baltimore Sun reports
Mckesson was named interim chief human capital officer on Tuesday by incoming schools CEO Sonja Santelises. It was the second and most high-profile cabinet appointment made by the new chief, who begins her tenure Friday.
​“He has the depth of knowledge of the system, and he has proved that he can lift the work in a short amount of time,” Santelises said in an interview. “And he has proven his dedication to the children of Baltimore.”
Mckesson called Santelises a “gifted leader” and said he was proud to join her team.
Mckesson, who will earn a salary of $165,000, will be the district's third chief of human capital in two years, and manage of a budget of $4 million and 56 employees.
"At its core, this role is about finding great people, matching them to the right role, and helping them to develop and experience careers in the service of our kids," Mckesson said in response to his appointment.
"I am excited to return to city schools … and to continue doing the work to ensure that every child in Baltimore City receives a world-class education."
It's a safe bet that this "world-class" re-education will ensure children learn all about the perils of white supremacy and the nobility of looting -- topics near and dear to Mckesson's heart. 

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