Thursday, June 30, 2016

Demented: Canadian Lawmakers Chant 'Four More Years' Following Obama Speech After two standing ovations.

Demented: Canadian Lawmakers Chant 'Four More Years' Following Obama Speech

After two standing ovations.

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During a speech delivered to Canada's parliament Wednesday, President Obama touted the virtues of globalization and decried the so-called fear mongering tactics of folks like GOP presidential contender Donald Trump. 

"The world is more prosperous than ever before," Obama said without glint of irony before mocking the notion that border security and calls to "disengage from a chaotic world" (i.e. Brexit) will return us to "bygone days of national glory." 
"If the benefits of globalization accrue only to those at the very top, if our democracies seem incapable of assuring broad-based growth and opportunity for everyone, then people will push back out of anger or out of fear ... And politicians, some sincere and some entirely cynical, will tap that anger and fear, hearkening back to bygone days of order and predictability and national glory, arguing that we must rebuild walls and disengage from a chaotic world, or rid ourselves of the the supposed ills brought on by immigrants, all in order to regain control of our lives."

So awestruck were members of parliament they began chanting, "four more years, four more years!" CNSNews reports.
"Thank you very much," Obama told his fawning audience.
Obama received two standing ovations before even uttering the first word of his speech and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lavished on more praise when touting the "lessons" Obama "taught us, not by executive order, but by example."
Obama boasted that he "deepened the ties" between the U.S. and Canada, two pillars of "universal values." 

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