Wednesday, June 29, 2016

NY Congressional Candidate Attributed 'Hamilton' Hip-Hop Lyrics to RealAlexander Hamilton

NY Congressional Candidate Attributed 'Hamilton' Hip-Hop Lyrics to RealAlexander Hamilton

Does anyone even study history? Does anyone really confuse hip-hop phrasing with 18th century English?

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Well, this is laughable.
On Monday, Democratic New York Congressional candidate Oliver Rosenberg quoted Alexander Hamilton during a radio debate with Democratic rival Jerry Nadler, or at least he thought he did. He was actually quoting a line from the hip-hop Broadway smash Hamilton.
Red Alert Politics noted an awkward silence at the end of his plea:
"The politicians don’t care. They care about the money they get from their friends in the banks. They don’t care about our city. I do. That’s why I’m running. The subways are third world. The rents are too damn high. This is the year millions of people are standing up. All the problems have gotten worse in Congress. We don’t take this, we’re New Yorkers. We’re not afraid to speak up. We need new answers, a new plan, new energy. As Alexander Hamilton says, ‘This is not a moment this is the movement. Foes oppose us we take an honest stand. We roll like Moses claiming our promised land.’ Rise up, rise up and vote."
The fact that that sounds nothing like 18th century English was obviously lost on Rosenberg, never mind his abysmal knowledge of American history.
This (hopefully) embarrassing moment was made worse when the young candidate was obliterated in Tuesday's election, losing to Nadler. 

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