Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Out Today: House Select Committee's Report on Benghazi Written by Brew

6-28-16 8:14 AM EST: LIVE PRESSER UPDATE! It's been four years in the making since our four citizens were killed in Benghazi, Libya. Obama, Hillary, and Rice lied about it with repetition. But Bin Laden was dead, along with our ambassador and the brave men who tried to protect him when this administration would not. Obama was reelected, and worldwide chaos and accelerated genocide ensued.
Blatant lies, obfuscation, and cover-up from the President, the Secretary of State, and a National Security Rice mat, lap dog.
The Select Committee's Benghazi Report will be out today. It sheds new light on some things from what I can tell, but probably won't accomplish anything other than to rebrand Obama, Hillary, and company, with the same insignia scar they've both sported since we first met them. Lying sacks of crap with no redeeming qualities.
The MSM, also known as Clinton and Obama's cheerleading/PR squad will have much to cover up this week as Gary Byrne's book comes out (previous thread) along with this Benghazi Report. Between them and the entire Democrat party, we have more dishonor among thieves and false witnesses. Always circling their collective wagons to protect their own. An evil extended family of vampires in need of strategically placed wooden stakes and permanent political head stones.

Below: Live presser on Benghazi. Scheduled to begin at 10 AM EST.

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