Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Clinton Campaign Monitored Reportersto Avoid Tough Questions “Let’s keep an eye on her.”

Clinton Campaign Monitored Reportersto Avoid Tough Questions

“Let’s keep an eye on her.”

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Emails from hacker Guccifer 2.0 reveal that Hillary Clinton's campaign tracked and monitored certain reporters to prevent them from asking the candidate tough questions on the campaign trail.
The hacker claims to have broken into email accounts of Clinton campaign staffers, according to the Smoking Gun, which first reported the story.
The emails show the Clinton campaign went into full defense mode in February to prevent reporters from getting near Clinton, her daughter, Chelsea, and hubby, Bill, at a Las Vegas rally.
The emails show Hillary's camp tracked Dan Merica, a CNN producer who was assigned to cover Clinton's campaign.
“Watch out for Dan Merica center right,” one email from a campaign aide said.
“Dan Merica stage left,” reported another member of the campaign’s advance team minutes later.
“Dan America is on backstage bleachers,” chimed in another tracker.
But a fourth campaign aide said there was no need for concern: “I’m with Dan Merica on back stage bleachers.”
In Chicago, the campaign was tracking Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times.
Campaign press secretary Nick Merrill warned, “Let’s keep an eye on her.”
“Yes,” another aide responded, “I’m sitting next to her on the bus.”
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