Tuesday, June 28, 2016

John Oliver's Aimless, Childish RantPost-Brexit

John Oliver's Aimless, Childish RantPost-Brexit

"Two idiots named Nigel and Boris."

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British comedian John Oliver didn't get his snotty, leftist way on the Brexit vote, so he ranted about it on his HBO show over the weekend. 
Throughout Oliver's 8-minute monologue on the Brexit vote, the former Daily Show correspondent confuses (as usual) insults directed to defame people who disagree with you for substantive argument. 
According to him, the entire Brexit vote had nothing to do with independence, freedom from bureaucracy, border security, or national sovereignty, but was solely because "pig f–cker" PM David Cameron allowed his countrymen to voice their opinions on a referendum, which therefore emboldened "punchable face" Nigel Farage and "shaved orangutan" Boris Johnson to spread "bullsh-t" upon the doltish commoners, who were to stupid to tell the difference. 
That's not an exaggeration. Watch the video. In fact, that summation is far more accurate than Salon's pedantic "John Oliver’s amazing Brexit rant: No one has torn apart the disastrous vote better than this."
According to Salon's questionable comedic judgment, the best "takedown" of Brexit came when the expatriot Brit exclaimed that his fellow Britons voted to exit the E.U. because "two idiots named Nigel and Boris quoted President Bill Pullman [fromIndependence Day]." Hilarious.

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