Wednesday, June 29, 2016

More Lies: Newly-Discovered Withheld Emails Highlight Hillary's Unaccountability, Possible Perjury

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Committee Report: Secretary of Defense Panetta Ordered Military Assets For Benghazi, They Never Moved
Katie Pavlich
The much anticipated Benghazi Select Committee report released early Tuesday morning reveals former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta order military assets to be deployed to Benghazi, but they never arrived.
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Nigel Farage Unleashes In Epic Speech to European Parliament
Christine Rousselle
Poll: Despite Trump Travails, GOP Still Tied with Dems on Congressional Ballot
Guy Benson
DOJ Using Taxpayer Money to Teach Agents and Lawyers About Their Unknown Racism
Katie Pavlich
Rebellion: Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Loses No Confidence Vote
Matt Vespa
FLASHBACK: When Hillary Stood in Front of Flag Draped Coffins And Lied About a Video
Katie Pavlich
President Obama Mourns Basketball Coaching Legend Pat Summitt
Christine Rousselle
Lady Gaga's Chinese Fans are Not Happy She Met the Dalai Lama
Christine Rousselle
Chinese officials are not happy Lady Gaga met with the Dalai Lama to promote kindness.
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Do you really know the Constitution?
Promoted By: Hillsdale College
In the fight to preserve our freedoms, our greatest enemy is ignorance. Become an expert on the document that secures and preserves your freedom -- the U.S. Constitution.
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Millennials and Media Push for 'Ban' on Old People Voting After Brexit
Justin Holcomb
According to a poll conducted after the Great Britain's momentous Brexit vote, elderly people were far more likely to vote to leave the European Union (EU) than those under the age of 50 years old.
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Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake Not Attending RNC
Christine Rousselle
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) must have one heck of a lawn.
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Democratic Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Climate Change Skeptics
Leah Barkoukis
Back in April, a group of mostly Democratic (there was one independent) attorneys general announced they were going to be targeting any companies that denied climate change.
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'A Tragic Failure of Leadership:' Benghazi Committee Members Offer Detailed Narrative Before Final Report
Cortney O'Brien
The House Select Committee on Benghazi is soon to release its final report.
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Horror: German Woman Raped By Two Migrants, Said They Were 'Having A Bad Day'
Matt Vespa
Two asylum seekers raped a German woman after she told them to lower their volume since she was trying to get some sleep.
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More Lies: Newly-Discovered Withheld Emails Highlight Hillary's Unaccountability, Possible Perjury
Guy Benson
Let's begin with a flashback to Hillary Clinton's infamous March 2015 United Nations press conference, at which she unleashed a barrage of since-exposed lies and fabrications.
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Gowdy Exposes Contrast: Urgency in Benghazi Was Not Evident in State Dept
Cortney O'Brien
Chairman Trey Gowdy first thanked the Benghazi heroes for their sacrifice at a Tuesday press conference on Capitol Hill to present the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s final report.
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The Fraud Goes On
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Why the Left Hates Referendums
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After 'Brexit,' Can We Exit a Few Things Too?
Ron Paul
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Brexit Earthquake Hits Britain
Michael Barone
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Can We Harness the Worldwide Populist Movement?
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Corporate Clinton
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Mom who Shot Intruder in Child’s Bedroom Faces Court of Public Opinion | Jenn Jacques
Baby Mama Gets Shoved, but her Granny Wasn’t Having it | Jenn Jacques
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Latest SCOTUS Ruling Threatens Everyone’s Gun Rights | Jenn Jacques
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