Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brits Oppose 2nd Referendum 2 to 1 No Bregrets!

Brits Oppose 2nd Referendum 2 to 1

No Bregrets!

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Despite the mainstream media's incessant push of the narrative that Britons having a morbid case of "buyer's remorse" following their decision to divorce themselves from the European Union, the evidence -- something the left prefers to ignore -- shows otherwise. 
According to a YouGov poll published Wednesday,  only 31 percent believe the country should hold a 2nd referendum on Brexit, versus 58 percent who say no. Another 11 percent remains undecided.
To bring it full-circle, that means 91 percent of "Leave" voters have no buyer's remorse while 29 percent of "Remain" voters are willing to let the people have their way.
As stated by leftist comedian John Oliver in regard to the 2nd referendum: "There are no f-cking do-overs".
"Even if Scotland threatened to break away from the United Kingdom," reports Breitbart London, "51 percent would still oppose a second vote. Only three in 10 would support it."
The poll also showed that 48 percent of the public expect a strong tightening on immigration once the full "Brexit" has been completed.
Despite the news, the elites have launched the new "Bregret" campaign in order to intimidate voters into switching sides.  

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