Wednesday, June 29, 2016

PC Marines: Gender Neutrality Removes 'Man' from Job Titles "It’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”

PC Marines: Gender Neutrality Removes 'Man' from Job Titles

"It’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”

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Gender neutrality has come to the U.S. Marine Corps, turning the USMC into the PCMC.
Because more combat jobs have been opened to women, the job titles once reserved for men have been changed to reflect the opposite gender and really, no gender at all.
In total, there have been 19 title changes removing "man" and replacing it with "Marine" in most cases. Here is the complete list, with some titles, such as "rifleman," remaining unchanged:
Opinions are divided on the issue and both sides are speaking out. Sgt. Geoff Heath, a Marine rifleman, told The Washington Post:
“On one hand, the name changes from ‘man’ to ‘person’ or whatever they want to call it doesn’t really matter. They could call mortarmen bakers for all I care. But on the other, it’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”
Other comments were noted by WaPo, as well: 
“You know, I was going to [complain] about PC crap … but “Infantry Assault Marine” sounds kinda cool …”
“Not really seeing why this matters. A marine is a marine. If this triggers you well … not really sure what to say honestly. You’d think someone who has seen combat would have more stones.”
“Are they gonna stop calling them Marines next?”
It's good to see that the U.S. military leadership is focused on the real enemy.

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