Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Obama Sleeps Through Response toTerrorist Attack in Istanbul Yawn, "terrible event" by "vicious organization," blah, blah, blah. Next question.

Obama Sleeps Through Response toTerrorist Attack in Istanbul

Yawn, "terrible event" by "vicious organization," blah, blah, blah. Next question.

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President Obama offered a solemn and monotonal response in the wake of the Istanbul terror attacks that killed 41 at the Ataturk International Airport on Tuesday.
Offering his "deepest condolences," the president just managed to mention "ISIL" and called the actions of three suicide-vest bombers a "terrible attack."
"We stand with the people of Turkey and we intend to do what's necessary to make sure that these kinds of terrible events are not happening," Obama said. 
The carnage, the president added, is "an indication of how little these vicious organizations have to offer."
With barely enough energy to lift a finger, Obama declared, "We will not rest until we have dismantled these networks of hate."
Vicious organizations, networks of hate, terrible events, deepest condolences -- weak words from a weak (sounding) president:

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