Hillary Ignores Istanbul Terror MassacreDuring Town Hall
She focused on what really threatens lives: cyber bullying.
Hillary Clinton attended a town hall in Los Angeles Tuesday evening, just hours after the terrorist attack at İstanbul’s Atatürk Airport claimed the lives of at least 41 and injured hundreds of others. She could not, however, draw attention to yet another jihadist-massacre carried out in the name of radical Islam, so she just pretended it never happened.
Rather, Clinton focused on "revenge porn" and "cyber bullying" -- you know, the thing that really destroys lives. The NYPost reports:
“I’ll do everything I can as president to figure out how we can give victims like you tools and protect yourself and others,” Clinton told the town hall audience in response to a question about revenge porn. “I’ll look to all of you — bullying online, revenge porn, cyber stalking — all too common, ruins lives, leads people to lose confidence, depression, suicide.”Clinton also used the live event with YouTube stars to dump on Donald Trump. “I am not sympathetic to the xenophobia, the misogyny, the homophobia, the Islamophobia…or the sort of dog whistles that Trump uses to create that fervor among a lot of his supporters,” she said.Unlike the former secretary of state, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump did address the terror attack at a rally in Ohio Tuesday night.“There’s something going on that’s really, really bad,” he said. “And we better get smart and we better get tough or we’re not going to have much of a country left.”
Clinton did release a written statement in response to the latest terrorist atrocity in Istanbul, saying only:
"Terrorists have struck again in the heart of one of our NATO allies—and all Americans stand united with the people of Turkey against this campaign of hatred and violence ... Today’s attack in Istanbul only strengthens our resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism and radical jihadism around the world. And it reminds us that the United States cannot retreat."
Sorry, but we've seen what Hillary's "resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism" in Benghazi looked like -- we'll take a pass this time, thank you.