DEAD HEAT! Poll Puts Trump & Clinton in Statistical Tie
Voters not happy with choices
Hillary Clinton is losing ground in her bid to secure the White House, according to the latest numbers from the Quinnipiac University National poll released on Wednesday. The poll puts support for Clinton at 42 percent to Donald Trump's 40 percent. The difference is within the polls margin of error and therefore makes a statistical tie between the presumptive nominees for both parties.
The latest numbers mean Clinton is down three points from 45 percent in the poll released June 1 while Trump dropped from 41 percent support to 40 percent.
When third parties are added to the mix the news gets even worse for Clinton.
When voters are given the option to choose between the nominees for the Democrats, Republicans, the Libertarian Party and the Greens, Clinton falls below 40 percent support.
In the four-way race Clinton would receive the support of 39 percent of voters and Trump 37 percent, while Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson would garner eight percent support and Green candidate Jill Stein would get four percent.
The poll also found that 61 percent of voters feel this campaign has brought out more hatred in America and while the vast majority blame Donald Trump (67 percent) many also blame Hillary Clinton (16 percent). Either way, says the polling director, Americans are not happy with their choices this year.
"It would be difficult to imagine a less flattering from-the-gut reaction to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
"This is where we are. Voters find themselves in the middle of a mean-spirited, scorched earth campaign between two candidates they don't like. And they don't think either candidate would be a good president."
The poll found 58 percent of voters said Donald Trump would make a bad president while 53 percent said the same thing about Hillary Clinton.
Voters told Quinnipiac that they found Clinton more intelligent and Trump more trustworthy.