Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brexit Leader Nigel Farage to EU: 'You're in Denial' "You’re not laughing now, are you?"

Brexit Leader Nigel Farage to EU: 'You're in Denial'

"You’re not laughing now, are you?"

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On Tuesday, Brexit leader Nigel Farage let the European Parliament know just exactly what he thinks of their bureaucracy, stopping just short of telling them to shove it. 
His six-minute speech, which earned a deluge of "boos" from fellow MEPs, sugarcoated nothing and laid the sour on thick, serving it straight-up cold with a side of Tylenol to clear up the soreness.
His speech is the type rock-solid conservatives only wish their Republican leaders in the House and Senate would deliver daily to their leftist counterparts. Until that happens, if it ever does, we will always have Nigel Farage to remind us that, yes, we can tell the leftist totalitarian slave-drivers just exactly what we think of them, and enjoy every moment of it. 
Farage first began with a victory dance over the corpse that is the EU, reminding his fellow MEP detractors that they once laughed at him for proposing to free Britain 17 years ago, but now he gets the last laugh. 
Isn’t it funny? When I came here 17 years ago and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me – well I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you? The reason you’re so upset, you’re so angry, has been perfectly clear, from all the angry exchanges this morning.
The UKIP party leader then went on to scold the EU for being in denial, which they immediately booed:
You as a political project are in denial. You’re in denial that your currency is failing. Just look at the Mediterranean! As a policy to impose poverty on Greece and the Mediterranean you’ve done very well. 
You’re in denial over Mrs. Merkel’s call for as many people as possible to cross the Mediterranean – which has led to massive divisions between within countries and between countries.
After Farage implored the EU to act sensibly when negotiating trade with the British after they leave, because other countries would suffer if tariffs were imposed, he pulled out a sledgehammer and smashed their smug attitude by reminding them all that they don't do anything for anyone, and have never "done a proper job" in their lives.
I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives or worked in business or worked in trade or ever created a job.
Naturally, they booed. Impotently.

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