Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Prayer in the Midnight Hour By Alice Johnson Childs

A Prayer in the Midnight Hour
By Alice Johnson Childs

Oh Lord Jesus, we cannot rest. The very fabric of this physical world and of civilization itself within it is crumbling beneath the weight of sin. Everything in every area has become totally hostile and supremely wicked.
Lord as humbly as we know how, we come before Your throne of grace, pleading that You might please intervene and stop or restrain the evil that has been unleashed upon this country—the evil that is occurring all across our nation, particularly in Dallas and in other cities and states across America.
Lord, please, we ask that, if You will, foil every plan that the enemy has set in motion. Please, protect those who protect and serve us.
Father, please, if it be Your will, expose and bring to light every single person regardless of who they are or how powerful they may be. Lord bring to light the truth and expose those who are behind these acts of war and treason that are even now being perpetrated upon the American people and upon our police. 
We understand Lord that ultimately these acts of treason and rebellion are not directed against us, but against You and against Your holy name.
Lord, please if it be Your will, intervene this night, and remove from power all those who have planned and who are perpetrating this evil, no matter who they are.
Lord, come to our aid and to the aid of those everywhere who stand for righteousness sake.
Father, we plead with You to preserve and protect those freedoms that we still have left. Preserve them, Lord, so that we may continue to have the ability and availability to spread the gospel unrestrained and unrestricted to as many people across the world for as long as we are left here on this planet.
Father, our great refuge is in You. The only hope we have is in You. Outside of You, there is no hope.
Merciful Lord, as you delivered Noah and his family from judgment in the flood; as You in Your mercy delivered Lot and his family from Your wrath poured out upon Sodom and Gomorrah, Lord we plead with You to come now and deliver Your people, Your Bride, from the destruction that is happening in our country and all across the world.
Father, we know that You WILL deliver Your Church from Your great wrath that is rapidly coming upon this God-hating world during the coming hour of the Tribulation. We know that You will do this, for You have spoken it in Your Word. Thank You Lord that Your Church is not appointed to wrath, but to obtain salvation through Jesus Christ. We rest in that blessed hope, Lord Jesus, and we long for Your soon return.
Nevertheless Father, what we are pleading for now is for You to deliver us from the wicked snares and schemes of the enemy of our souls - from every evil behind the destruction that is taking place within this land.
Lord, ALL of Your Bride is trapped and weary. In every country on this vile and wicked earth, our persecuted brethren are suffering, and those of us who are not suffering in our physical bodies are still suffering in our hearts and souls. Our spirits are torn and weary within us. We long to be freed from the evil that has enshrouded the corpse of this fallen world like a funeral pall.
Lord, Your people are so tired of this vile and wicked place. Please hear our cry! Come deliver us!
Oh, Lord how we LONG for Your return! Lord how our hearts buckle underneath the weight of evil that has engulfed this world!
Lord, it is with deep gratitude for Your unbounding mercy towards us, that we acknowledge that it is Your mercy that was extended towards us that called us to repentance. And Lord, just as You were so gracious towards us, Father, neither do we want to deny anyone else the opportunity to accept Your grace extended to them.
But oh Father, how weary we are of the deliberate violence, the wanton evil, the vile and wretched celebration of everything wicked and profane that now permeates every single nation within this world! We are so tired!
Father please come soon and avenge Your people! Lord Jesus COME! Exact holy vengeance upon the wicked and mete out true justice for Your holy namesake! And, like our future brethren, who will one day soon be martyred during the coming Tribulation, those whose souls will soon cry out from under the alter before Your throne in heaven, “How long oh Lord, faithful and true.”
We too cry aloud: How much longer Lord before You come for your Bride?
Lord Jesus, Almighty God, as battle weary as we are, as sick at heart as we are, as desperate as we are, oh Lord, nevertheless, we bow our hearts and our will to Your infinite wisdom and to Your great mercy that called us out of darkness and into Your marvelous light.
Oh Father, we know that our Lord Jesus Christ is our advocate before Your throne. We know that Your Holy Spirit within us is constantly making intercession for us, with groanings that cannot be uttered. Lord we know this, and we thank You for Your abiding presence that upholds us throughout every circumstance we face. We know this, and we are grateful beyond our ability to express.
Father uphold us with Your mighty omnipotent hand. Incline Your ear to the cries of Your people; and if it can possibly be Your will to do so, send our Deliverer to take us Home now! This world hates You and it hates us too because of Your namesake.
We do not belong here. We no longer want or desire to have any part of this vile place. It is alien to us and we are aliens in a hostile land; we are captives in enemy territory.
Father, we know that You are beyond angered at seeing babies butchered on the alters of narcissism. In Your holiness, we know that You are past being fed up with seeing the minds and hearts of our children being perverted and their bodies being abused and ravaged.
We know that You are past being angry with Your people being brutalized, hated and reviled. We know this because we know Your holy character. We know that You hate sin, yet Your love was so great, Your mercies so tender, that You wrapped Yourself in human flesh and died, was buried, and arose again so that You could redeem fallen sinners.
Oh Father God, we are pleading with You now to bring in those last souls who are to complete Your Bride. Lord, please call them to repentance now so that whoever and wherever this last soul is who will, by their own choosing, respond to Your saving gospel of grace. We pray that You will draw them to You even now, even this very minute, so that we who are your body may be completed.
Help us Lord! Carry us Lord! Rescue us Lord! It is in the mighty and matchless name of the sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ, and for Your eternal glory we ask these things. Amen and Amen
Visit this website for a special song:
“Midnight Cry” by Michael English

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