Feminist Poses Nude with Smeared Menstrual Blood, Because 'Period-Shaming'
"We have been shamed, humiliated, hurt, wronged."
Last week, TruthRevolt reported on feminism's new low with the upcoming film Is That a Gun In Your Pocket? in which women in a fictional Texas town withhold sex from their menfolk to manipulate them into giving up their guns.
This week, we report on feminist Iris Josephina Verstappen and her nude photoshoot in which she smeared her body in menstrual blood supposedly to combat "period-shaming."
If the feminist slogan "slut-shaming" encouraged promiscuity among young women, then "period-shaming" encourages bad hygiene. In the disgustingly graphic photos that only fans of the Evil Dead could appreciate, Verstappen smears her own menstrual blood over her cheeks while letting it run freely down her leg.
According to Verstappen, women apparently have been victimized by perceiving periods as "dirty" and something to be "ashamed of."
"When we say someone has blood on their hands, it is usually perceived as dirty, something to be afraid of ashamed of. I had blood on my hands and I owned it," she says in a post.
"As women who bleeds [sic], we have been suppressed," she says. "We have been shamed, humiliated, hurt, wronged. We have had to explain ourselves when we are emotional, and are even ridiculed because of it. We have been viewed as less capable to function in the world. If you did not feel or experience this personally, I invite you to ask around. Listen to the stories. Are they filled with empowerment? Or rather, shame?"
To spare TruthRevolt readers, we posted the least graphic photo below -- not because a period is something to be ashamed of, but because rubbing everyone's face in it is: