Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WaPo Deception: Calls Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber ’An Economist’

WaPo Deception: Calls Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber ’An Economist’

As if he had nothing to do with the failing program.

Newsbusters discovered an egregious error in a recent Washington Post article which nearly ignored the key player in the downfall of Obamacare.
Currently, the healthcare exchanges are failing miserably as insurance companies are dropping out after losing hundreds of millions of dollars, making it increasingly difficult for insurance seekers to sign up.
This failure can easily be pinned on one person, Jonathan Gruber, the architect of the Affordable Care Act. In case anyone has forgotten, Gruber was the one who explained how a “lack of transparency” in the Obama administration and “the stupidity of the American voter” allowed for the passage of President Obama’s signature legislation. But whenWaPo’s Carolyn Y. Johnson set out in her column to tackle the abysmal shortfall in Obamacare sign-ups, she almost forgot to mention his name.
Johnson included only one mention, “buried deep within the story,” notes Newsbusters. Furthermore, she only identified Gruber as “an economist” — which is akin to “citing Bernie Madoff as ‘an investor’” on Wall Street. Here’s what she wrote:
“There’s no bottleneck, this is just the natural growth pains of a new market,” said Jonathan Gruber, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “What happened is they set up this new market where insurers didn’t have experience; insurers made an estimate as to what people would cost and their estimate turned out to be too low.”
“And that was it with Gruber, still in extreme deceptive mode,” Newsbusters writes. “Nothing more from or about him in Johnson's lengthy article including any admission that perhaps the guy who designed the flawed system was at fault.”
And so, while Johnson searched for a reason the outlook on Obamacare is so “grim,” she completely overlooked Gruber sitting right under her nose.
But what do we know, we’re “too stupid to understand:”

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