Weiner Caught Sexting Again, Huma Announces Separation
He sent a crotch shot with his sleeping son in the frame!
Hillary Clinton’s right-hand lady Huma Abedin has announced her separation from husband Anthony Weiner, the disgraced Democratic ex-Congressman and chronic sexter, more known for posting pictures of his Fruit of the Looms than any policy decisions he ever made.
It was the last straw for Abedin, who apparently has a tolerance level of exactly three separate sexting scandals involving her husband sending racy photos of his manhood to women-not-his-wife. In a statement on Monday, the top Clinton aide said:
"After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband. Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life. During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy."
In his latest obscene contact with other women, Weiner showed just how “devoted” he is to family life by sexting a picture while his son was asleep next to him. The New York Post, which posted the gag-inducing image along with several others, noted that the former New York mayoral candidate freaked out that he may have made that photo public (of course, it’s too late now):
“The stay-at-home [dad] shot the revealing photo while discussing massage parlors “near my old apartment” shortly after 3 a.m. on July 31, 2015, a screenshot of the exchange shows.“Weiner was clearly aroused by his conversation with the 40-something divorcee when he abruptly changed the subject.“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote.“Really?” she responded.Weiner then hit “Send” on the cringe-inducing image, which shows a bulge in his white, Jockey-brand boxer briefs and his son cuddled up to his left, wrapped in a light-green blanket.“You do realize you can see you[r] Weiner in that pic??” the woman wrote.“Moments after forwarding the photo, Weiner freaked out over the possibility he had accidentally posted it publicly — just as he did during the infamous episode that forced him to resign from Congress in 2011.“Ooooooh . . . I was scared. For half a second I thought I posted something. Stop looking at my crotch,” Weiner wrote back.
That 40-something woman spoke to NY Post and said the sexting exchange began in January 2015 and continued until recently. However, Weiner said they sent pics of family members and ensured the texts “were always appropriate.” Except for at least 12 of them that included as few clothes as possible. And the Post found he often made sexually-charged suggestions and comments. As an example, the woman wrote, “it’s time for bed.”
“Sleeping alone? Asking for a friend,” he wrote back adding, “That was a fib.”
Again, the Post has even more lurid examples.
The unidentified woman fits Weiner's sexual tastes but certainly not her politics. The report describes her as a “busty brunette” who “is [Weiner’s] polar opposite politically: a self-avowed supporter of Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association who’s used Twitter to bash both President Obama and Clinton.”
As this story continues to break, reactions are pouring in. Headlines read, “Huma Cuts Weiner Off” at The Daily Caller and “She’s Had Enough Weiner” on Drudge. Politico’s Glenn Thrush leveled a few “harsh words,” according to Mediate, as a guest on The Hugh Hewitt Show Monday morning:
“Having covered child welfare in New York City– and now what I’m going to say is probably a little bit controversial. I covered child welfare and foster care in New York City. That kind of thing would, in a low-income family, prompt a child welfare investigation.“I mean that bringing a kid and having a kid even peripherally involved in anything like that is absolutely stomach-churning. And I think we’ve gone from this being funny to this being pathological and really, really creepy.“I just think– I just sort of wonder how this guy can get up every morning and face the world. I just don’t understand how you keep doing this thing over and over again.”
Just another day in the Democratic cesspool known as the Clinton camp.