Mainstream Media Admit Anti-Trump Bias, Say It's Necessary
They view it as their "moral obligation."
Some, like former Republican primary candidate Newt Gingrich, have assailed the mainstream media in the past for their decidedly left-leaning bias, but no other presidential candidate has really taken the media to task like Donald Trump.
From personally insulting certain journalists to revoking major media outlets' press credentials to calling reporters "liars," Trump has stood up for himself in a way no other Republican really ever has.
Has Trump, through his words and deeds, at times given media fodder for its negative press? Yes. But more often than not mainstream media have acted beyond the pale in their utter disregard for genuinely newsworthy events surrounding Hillary Clinton and their utter manipulation and fabrication of stories designed to derail the GOP nominee.
Now, MSM members are not only admitting to their anti-Trump bias, but say they view it as their "moral" obligation to do so. Fox News correspondent Howard Kurtz summarizes the latest admission by the MSM:
Lately some, including The New York Times, Vox and Bill Moyers’ website, have not only owned up to Trump's accusation, they've embraced it.“If you deplore media cowardice, you might think this is a good thing, not because Trump is a mortal danger to this country, although he is, but because it means the press is doing its job,” Neil Gabler wrote on the journalism website of Moyers, the longtime PBS newsman who cut his teeth as a spokesman for Democratic President Lyndon Johnson. “Call it partisan bias if you like. I call it journalism.”Ezra Klein, the Vox writer who as a Washington Post staffer organized a secret society of left-wing reporters dubbed “JournoList” that was shut down after it was exposed in 2010, acknowledged that the press is not giving Trump traditional treatment.“The media has felt increasingly free to cover Trump as an alien, dangerous, and dishonest phenomenon,” Klein wrote last week.New York Times’ media critic Jim Rutenberg wrote that journalists who personally oppose Trump had an obligation to “throw out the textbook” when it came to coverage of The Donald.
"If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?" Rutenberg asked rhetorically in one of his recent front-page articles.
Lucky for us we have media elites "throwing out the textbook" on journalism and watching out for us.