Pro-Hillary Google Hides Searches on Candidate’s Health
"Hillary Clinton he-althy as a horse!"
Google is at it again, hiding searches that could damage the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. This time, the search giant doesn’t want to suggest any negative stories about Clinton’s health concerns.
Breitbart posted a few screenshots across the major search platforms that showed very different results when searching “hillary clinton’s he-.” We tried the search ourselves with Bing, Yahoo, and Google to show what auto-complete suggestions come up to “guess” the intended search and came up with the same results:
TruthRevolt has been on Google’s case for its blatant biases before. Its free web browser, Google Chrome, offered a “Trump Filter” app that would “erase Donald Trump from the Internet.” Early this summer, a search for “presidential candidates” on Google showed just three results: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the Green Party’s Jill Stein, but no Trump. And Google hiding Clinton’s health concerns isn’t the first time the search engine has manipulated results that favored the Democratic nominee.
In fact, it seems as though it’s by design. Erich Schmidt, former Google CEO and current executive at its parent company, Alphabet Inc., is a major investor in The Groundwork, a digital company that works to promote Clinton’s online presence with the ultimate goal of securing her place in the White House.
All of this is discussed in the video above which we’ve featured before, but it’s worth taking another look at to remind what we're up against.
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