Watch Jesse Jackson Praise Trump's Commitment to ‘Diversity,’ in 1999
Times sure have changed.
The Daily Caller has uncovered a video of Jesse Jackson speaking at the annual Wall Street Conference hosted by the Rainbow/PUSH coalition praising current GOP nominee for president Donald Trump.
“I do want to thank you, Donald Trump, for being with us tonight,” Jackson said in the speech. “We need your building skills, your gusto for people on Wall Street to represent diversity.” Jackson said.
Jackson called Trump a "friend" at the conference where Trump was invited to speak about "challenges and opportunities to embrace under-served communities.”
“He is deceptive in that his social style is of such, one can miss his seriousness and commitment to success, which is beyond argument,” Jackson said of Trump.
“When we opened this Wall Street project,” he continued. “He gave us space at 40 Wall Street, which was to make a statement about our having a presence there.”
“Beyond that, in terms of reaching out and being inclusive, he’s done that too,” Jackson added. “He has this sense of the curious and a will to make things better.”
“Aside from all of his style, and his pizazz, he’s a serious person who is an effective builder of people.”
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