Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Limbaugh: NFL May Lose Ratings If Players Politicize Too Much "Understand who your audience is."

Limbaugh: NFL May Lose Ratings If Players Politicize Too Much

"Understand who your audience is."

Weighing in Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the national anthem, "El Rushbo" Limbaugh warns that the NFL could continue to lose ratings – an already difficult trend – if players continue to politicize the game. 
As the left's grip on virtually American institutions tightened throughout the latter half of the twentieth century, sports remained relatively free due to its heavy reliance on merit over egalitarianism. Unfortunately, with the popularity of Jason Collins and Michael Sam skyrocketing simply for announcing their sexual preference, even sports have been taken over by the left. So long as this continues, Limbaugh predicts their revenues will take a major nose-dive.
“[T]ry to understand who your audience is and why they’re watching," Limbaugh said on his show Tuesday. "And understand that they tune in to three hours, six hours, nine hours or however many hours on Sunday and Monday they watch, and now Thursday, to escape what they consider to be the stresses and the strains and the hum-drum of their lives."
"They tune into the National Football league for a little break from the hassles of life. They tune into the National Football League to forget all of these things that are causing controversy and divisiveness. They want to be entertained. We want to be entertained,” Limbaugh said."
He continued: "You run the risk of destroying all that if you misplace your priorities."
Coincidentally, the first season game of the 2016 NFL will kick off on September 11. Limbaugh warned the NFL to be careful players don't "steal the stage" for their political soapboxes on a day of such national unity. 

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