Dear Supporter,
I am excited to announce
the launch of my new book Clean House: Exposing Our Governments Secrets and
Clean House takes you through incriminating
documents from the attack in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, the IRS
scandal, and the Obamacare swindle. Readers will learn the answers to many
troubling questions- answers uncovered by Judicial Watch!
How did five
Congressional committees miss the smoking gun on Benghazi? How did Hillary
Clinton keep a secret email server quiet for years? Does the IRS audit you
because of your politics? Did the first American target of Obama’s drone
program work for the US government? How did Congress commit fraud to get
Obamacare taxpayer subsidies?

House powerfully lays out what Judicial Watch uncovered about the Obama
administration during its second term… What’s inside? You’ll learn the truth
Hillary Clinton’s
Email Scandal … how Hillary Clinton, her top aides and senior officials
at the Obama State Department conspired to permit Hillary Clinton to evade open
records laws by maintain a private email server and email accounts to transact
official government business…despite the illicit nature of this arrangement and
the fact that it jeopardized “Top Secret” government communications and our
national security…
Obama’s Amnesty…how Barack Obama and
his radical administration have attempted to destroy the meaning of American
citizenship by refusing to enforce our laws against illegal immigration and
opening our borders to all comers…
Obama’s IRS
Scandal……the real story behind one of the most chilling attack on
Americans’ First Amendment rights ever…the Obama administration conspiracy to
target, harass and cripple conservative opponents of President Obama…a
conspiracy that reached from the IRS into the Justice Department, the FBI and
probably the White House itself…
stunning story of government incompetence, mendacity and contempt for the
American people’s right to know…all to protect the political fortunes of Barack
Obama and Hillary Clinton…
Stealing Elections…how
Barack Obama and his administration are pulling out all the stops to help their
radical political allies obtain and retain power…by attacking states that seek
to protect the honesty of their elections and by refusing to enforce federal
laws designed to combat voter fraud…
Obama Cover-ups and
Corruption…right out of the records of Judicial Watch’s own
investigations and lawsuits, here is the truth about the chronic corruption and
compulsive secrecy of the Obama administration...corruption and cover-ups that
are totally at odds with Barack Obama’s empty promises of honesty and
“transparency” in government…
Order today and read the
book that already has people talking…
Peter Schweizer, author of the
best-selling Clinton Cash, generously notes “If you care about the future of our
country and want to make a difference, read Clean House. It’s time to
put both Democrats and Republicans on notice.” And Fox News Channel Senior
Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano kindly calls me “living proof that we
can only remain free when we know what the government is doing. Clean
House is the story of his historic fight for government
Clean House is
out now. Help us make it a best-seller and show the Establishment
that you agree with Judicial Watch that no one is above the law!
Tom Fitton President