Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Google Indicates Trump Victory, More People Searching 'Hillary for Prison' T-Shirts Than 'Hillary for President' Bumper Stickers

Google Indicates Trump Victory, More People Searching 'Hillary for Prison' T-Shirts Than 'Hillary for President' Bumper Stickers

How many "Hillary for President" bumper stickers have YOU SEEN on the road lately?

Each day over the last few months -- and in particular since the Democratic and Republican national conventions -- I have performed an unofficial experiment, scouring cars and homes across the very Blue-city in which I live to gage just how much Hillary-campaign paraphernalia is on display. Lo, in all this time, I have observed only two "Hillary for President" signs -- one a bumper sticker, the other a yard sign. Just two. 
As it turns out, I'm not the only one who's noticed this trend. This week the blogs Regated and The American Mirror published their own research proving that voters are more interested in "Hillary for Prison" t-shirts than they are "Hillary for President" bumper stickers and that Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again" is being searched far more often than Hillary's, "I'm With Her." The American Mirror reports: recently produced a series of search term comparisons related to Clinton and Donald Trump in order to gauge intensity among voters for or against each candidate.
Perhaps the most humorous bit of data revealed more Google users search “Hillary for Prison shirt” on a monthly basis than “Hillary bumper sticker”.
According to the data, there are an average of 1,900 searches per month for “Hillary for Prison shirt” while only 1,600 searches for “Hillary bumper sticker.” There are even fewer — 720 — searches for “Hillary shirt.”
According to the Regated report, Google users are searching “Make America Great Again” — Trump’s campaign slogan — much more frequently than Clinton’s “I’m With Her.”
The American Mirror conducted its own search of searches for the last 12 months and Trump’s slogan is consistently being searched more frequently than Clinton’s:

Regated then published the following Google search results: 

Consider the following data concerning Obama vs. Romney campaign signs from the 2012 presidential election: 

Now look at the disparity between searches for Clinton signs vs. Trump signs:

Democrats' lack of enthusiasm for their candidate this election is palpable. And that spells good news for Donald Trump. After all, historically, Democrats win general elections only when their voter-turnout is high -- and enthusiasm for one's candidate directly impacts that turnout. 
For fun, perhaps TrutRevolt readers should start scouring their neighborhoods for Hillary-campaign paraphernalia and let us know if they, too, can count the bumper stickers and yard signs on one hand. 

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