Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Are There Silent Trump Voters?

Are There Silent Trump Voters?

“They won’t say that publicly because of this environment that’s come from mainstream media.”

Is there a hidden cache of silent Donald Trump voters waiting in the wings to make him the surprise choice for president this November? The idea of a silent majority is not new and now researchers, pundits and pollsters are talking about it again.
A story from McClatchy News puts forward the idea that voters don't want to tell polling firms that they are backing Trump even when they are:
Dennis Berwyn, a Raleigh research analyst, estimated he’s knocked on 2,000 doors in northeastern Wake County in recent weeks as he campaigns for a local candidate. People invite him into their living rooms, and occasionally they quietly assure him they’re with Trump.
“They tell me they won’t say that publicly,” he said. “It’s because of this environment that’s come from the mainstream media.”
That makes it harder to assess Trump’s strength than that of other North Carolina Republicans, one party operative said.  
The article goes on to point out that an experiment conducted research firm Morning Consult ahead of the Iowa Caucuses showed that Trump polled far better in online polls where voters didn't have to speak to a live person than he did in telephone polls that require human interaction.

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