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. by Matt Ward “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we
ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). I have recently read a
significant amount of material about...
. 29th October 2015 By Dawn Walton Guest Writer for Wake Up World Did you
realise the physical experience of being scared is exactly the same as the
physical experience of being excited? The difference is all in the head. It’s
all based on the fight or flight response (this should...
CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a
leading voice of the Conscious Community with articles covering the full
spectrum of Conscious Living. Click here to see all we share. Spiritual
Development and Crystals by: Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac When it comes to
spiritual development, to recognize a power that is greater than our...
WISDOM BY A MASTER TEACHER “It’s the ultimate vision quest: nine weeks in a coma
following a heart attack….This is a powerful look into the metaphysical life of
a spiritual teacher. It provides insight into ancient Toltec wisdom that...
. A new witchcraft shop called Earth Craftes is opening in Tooting on
Halloween, Saturday 31st October, at 10am. The address is 36 Trinity Road,
Tooting, just around the corner from Tooting Bec station. The shop is being run
by Annie Bond and she is currently busy painting shelves and organising...
. 29th October 2015 By Lia Love Guest Writer for Wake Up World Looking back
over my early childhood and first half of my life, I feel the pain and the
sadness of those parts of me that were unable to function, unable to be happy,
unable to do and create...
CONTRIBUTOR: . I've been posting
photos of London street art over the pagan Wheel of the Year festivals this
year, from last Yule through to the Autumn Equinox so far. Now here is a picture
for Samhain.Although it shows a skeleton, a symbol of death, the flower behind
it and the energy...
. Gandhi Jayanti is an occasion to reflect on what we can learn from
Gandhiji. Everyone’s life teaches us both what to do and what not to do. The
ideals that Gandhiji set are an inspiration for generations – a sense of
sacrifice, acceptance for everyone, an unbroken faith in satsang...
. There are usually two sides to a civil conflict and no matter who strikes
first, eventually both sides are wounded. Conflict arises in the first place
because both sides stick to their stand, yet to resolve the issue, both need to
be made to rise above and look at the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . I saw this kit on
special offer at The Works for just £1.99 and couldn't resist buying it.The box
contains all you need to make a witch doll out of felt and also has a book with
patters to make a whole coven of other felt witches.What a bargain. My...
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