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CONTRIBUTOR: . Why is Bill O’Reilly
bringing this up again? The video clip (above) comes from this very week of
O’Reilly’s television program. Once again, sans evidence, O’Reilly claims that
Barack Obama was born in the USA. (Oh, and the UN says red meat causes cancer
and global warming.) Oddly, enough, Rush...
. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a
Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it.
I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) Donald Trump Explains Drop in Polls: They’re ‘Not Very
Scientific’ - Morning Joe Donald Trump explained on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that
. Obamacare nightmare unaffordable, Higher premiums and deductibles, Job
losses part time jobs, School closes, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber lack of
transparency and stupidity of American voter allowed Obamacare to be passed “If
you’ve got health insurance we’re going to work with you to lower your premiums
by $2,500 per family...
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