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CONTRIBUTOR: . Pretribulation
Rapture | Deception unto Damnation link to article One Shall Be Taken And The
Other Shall Be Left Behind link to article Christ declared, One shall be taken
and the other shall be left behind. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it
be when the...
Star" Novus Ordo Nuns.... These Peruvian Nuns of “Pop Praise” Are Winning Hearts
With Their New Album After their first hit, these Peruvian nuns are at it again!
Winning hearts over to what? Answer, the New Man Centered Religion of Vatican II
Following in the footsteps of...
RAVENNA DOCUMENTRavenna, 13th October, 20073. On the basis of these common
affirmations of our faith, we must now draw the ecclesiological and canonical
consequences which flow from the sacramental nature of the Church. Since the
Eucharist, in the light of the Trinitarian mystery, constitutes the criterion
. Below is a brief commentary I penned on Facebook concerning what I
perceive to be a unilateral campaign by the president of the Ethics and
Religious Liberty Commission, Dr. Russell Moore, to ensure Donald Trump is
silenced as a presidential candidate. One of my good friends, Dr. Peter
Wielhouwer, Associate Professor...
. St. Jude, known as Thaddaeus, was a brother of St. James the Lesser, and a
relative of Jesus. Ancient writers tell us that he preached the Gospel in Judea,
Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Lybia. According to Eusebius, he
returned to Jerusalem in the year 62 and assisted at the...
. I really like elephants. I have spent hours riding on the backs of
elephants in different countries, and I am always amazed by their sheer strength
and mass. Riding atop an elephant makes many people feel like a king. Other
riders are too distracted by the sheer terror of the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . On November 1, at
6:00 pm organist Richard Spotts will appear at the Basilica of Saints Peter and
Paul in Lewiston, Maine, to perform excerpts from the seminal work L’Orgue
Mystique, by French composer Charles Tournemire (1870-1939). He will be joined
by the Saints Peter and Paul Schola Cantorum.The concert,...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Ι. Μητρόπολις
ΒελγίουΤη μνήμη του Μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου τίμησαν στη φερώνυμη ενορία του
Maasmechelen κληρικοί και λαϊκοί της Μητροπόλεως Βελγίου την Δευτέρα 26
Οκτωβρίου 2015. Στην Αρχιερατική Θεία Λειτουργία, όπου προεξήρχε ο Σεβασμιώτατος
Μητροπολίτης Βελγίου κ. Αθηναγόρας συνοδευόμενος από κληρικούς της περιοχής,
συνέρρευσε πλήθος πιστών της επαρχίας του Λιμβούργου για να...
CONTRIBUTOR: . This past Saturday,
I wrote a bit about an Ethiopian legend that St Raphael the Archangel once saved
a church that had been accidentally built on the back of whale from being
destroyed, by fixing the whale in place with his spear. This was accompanied by
an image from the...
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