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CONTRIBUTOR: . Describes a metric
for the arrival of the Dwarf Twin Star / Planet X in 2018, with one hard data
point (the spotting of the dark body in 1983) and one softer data point (google
blocking a quadrant of GoogleSky from whence Elenin and presumably the Dark Twin
/ Planet...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Researchers and
astrophysicists are tracking a large asteroid set to make a spooky fly-by of
Earth during Halloween. Brigida Santos has the details and takes a look at the
inner workings of Los Angeles’ Griffith Observatory. Nibiru Planet X Arriving
2018 Says Ex NASA Worker Alien Bases On The Moon...
. A 2013 Taurid fireball captured by an All-Sky cam, plus a near-Full Moon.
Image credit: NASA Asteroid 2015 TB145 isn’t the only cosmic visitor paying our
planet a trick-or-treat visit over the coming week. With any luck, the Northern
Taurid meteor shower may put on a fine once a decade...
. This mosaic shows Ceres’ Occator crater and surrounding terrain from an
altitude of 915 miles (1,470 kilometers), as seen by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft.
Occator is about 60 miles (90 kilometers) across and 2 miles (4 kilometers)
deep. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA The most dazzling views ever
seen of dwarf planet Ceres and...
CONTRIBUTOR: . In a study published
today in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, scientists from the University of
New Hampshire and colleagues answer the question of why NASA's Voyager 1, when
it became the first probe to enter interstellar space in mid-2012, observed a
magnetic field that was inconsistent with that derived from...
CONTRIBUTOR: . The latest SOL 1144
and 1145 from NASA Curiosity Rover have been some pretty amazing photos. Once
again we are back to the 70 percent choppy MASTCAM format that NASA claims is a
"Raw Image" on their website which is a total fabrication of the truth when
searching for the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Observations led by
astronomers at the University of Leeds have shown for the first time that a
massive star, 25 times the mass of the Sun, is forming in a similar way to
low-mass stars. The discovery, made using a new state-of-the-art telescope
called the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA),...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Scientists have
catalogued nearly 2,000 exoplanets around stars near and far. While most of
these are giant and inhospitable, improved techniques and spacecraft have
uncovered increasingly smaller worlds. The day may soon come when
astrophysicists announce our planet's twin around a distant star. But size alone
is insufficient to judge...
CONTRIBUTOR: . A team of
scientists, including seven from the University of New Hampshire, present
findings from six years of direct observations made by NASA’s Interstellar
Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission of the interstellar wind that blows through our
solar system in 14 papers published today in an Astrophysical Journal Supplement
(ApJS) Special...
CONTRIBUTOR: . A team of
astronomers is proposing that huge spiral patterns seen around some newborn
stars, merely a few million years old (about one percent our sun's age), may be
evidence for the presence of giant unseen planets. This idea not only opens the
door to a new method of planet...
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