Thursday, October 29, 2015

The People Were Warned…and Warned and Warned

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

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The People Were Warned…and Warned and Warned

CONTRIBUTOR: . The handwriting’s long been on the walls that are now crumbling before our very eyes In the Henoch Prophecies, among the many painfully accurate warnings, are these three sentences: 175. And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will...

CERN Update & Halloween Party: Dangerous Dancing With the Devil (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . 28 Oct 15 If only everyone would come to realize just how dangerous and pagan Halloween is. More disturbing news from CERN: The CERN Dancing Club has the pleasure to invite everyone to its first dancing party of this season on Friday October 30, at 21:00. This is an...

Slender Man | The Documentary "The Less You Know the Better, For Knowing Too Much May Make You the Subject Of Its Interest".... (video) CONTRIBUTOR: . SLENDER MAN | THE DOCUMENTARY “THE LESS YOU KNOW THE BETTER, FOR KNOWING TOO MUCH MAY MAKE YOU THE SUBJECT OF ITS INTEREST”…. The Slender Man is a mythical paranormal figure that can be found in woodland areas all over the world. He has been the cause of many...

The mysterious Last Door At Padmanabhaswamy Temple CONTRIBUTOR: . Tuesday, July 21, 2015 The mysterious Last Door At Padmanabhaswamy Temple (A SECRET DOOR IN THIS TEMPLE IS HOLDING SECRET KNOWLEDGE ....THE ONLY SNAG IS, IT HAS BEEN LOCKED BY SOUND WAVES FROM A SECRET CHANT LOST IN TIME!!) Photos: On the bequest of the Supreme Court of India...

Strange Creature Captured on Video - October 2015


Supernatural Hoofprints in the Basement: Angel's Camp CONTRIBUTOR: . Supernatural Hoofprints in the Basement: Angel’s Camp By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager Getting ready for an investigation, it's been a late night from pounding out an earlier story. Where's my hot java? Where is the music to pump me up as I hit the shower. Yes, let me...

How-To Develop Your Psychic Skills CONTRIBUTOR: . Psychics.How are they made?Well, I like to think of it as practiced. One needs to have the right exposure the first 3 critical years (look on right hand side of ghost hunting theories for post about psychically critical first 3 years).But, to really tap it, you have to become liquid...

Alien Encounters By Russian Cosmonauts CONTRIBUTOR: . ALIEN ENCOUNTERS BY RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS   Soviet, and later, Russian cosmonauts have observed interesting , unusual, and often inexplicable phenomena while in space. Some of them have talked about their experiences, although doing so is not encouraged by their space program. A cosmonaut is a person trained by a human...

October 2015 North Dakota – Firing Range Footage Captures Albino Bigfoot


Top 10 Bizarre Things That Are Shockingly Legal CONTRIBUTOR: . Here are ten things that you and most people would find shocking to be legal: 10. Print Your Own Money The US dollar is in shambles, but seems to be picking up pace. Most of the volatility can be blamed on the decision to take it off the...

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