Thursday, October 29, 2015

Scholar deciphers oldest known alphabet primer, in ancient Egyptian

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Scholar deciphers oldest known alphabet primer, in ancient Egyptian CONTRIBUTOR: . A Dutch Egyptologist recently deciphered the oldest known abecedary or alphabet-like primer on a 3,500-year-old shard of pottery from an Egyptian tomb excavated 20 years ago. The earliest alphabets go back to the 19th century BC. The text on the ostracon or shard had not been understood in the 20...

Mummies have had a bad wrap – it is time for a reassessment CONTRIBUTOR: . As far as crowd-pleasers go, it is hard to beat mummies. When Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs opened at the Melbourne Museum in 2011, it broke all previous records for touring exhibitions in Australia, attracting more than 800,000 visitors over its run and 10,192 visitors on a single day...

22 Shipwrecks spanning Ancient Era to the Renaissance discovered at Aegean archipelago CONTRIBUTOR: . Archaeologists doing an underwater survey in the Aegean Sea in Greek territorial waters have found an amazing 22 shipwrecks of merchant vessels that sank between 700 BC and the 16th century AD. The researchers have surveyed just 5 percent of the coasts of the Fourni archipelago and expect to find...

50 Years Ago: How the Continents Fit Together CONTRIBUTOR: . ZME Science 50 years ago, on October 28, 1965, an unlikely British geophysicist made a map that set the record straight on how the world’s tectonic plates fit together....

Qualcomm Unveils Muscle Camera for Surveillance Systems

CONTRIBUTOR: . Qualcomm on Tuesday announced a muscle video camera for surveillance systems. It's part of the company's Snapdragon 618 IP camera platform. The unit combines a six-core, 64-bit processor; next-generation graphics crunching; and embedded digital signal processing. It can perform advanced video analytics. Moving analytics to the camera can save a...

Ben Carson Repudiates Young Earth Creationism

CONTRIBUTOR: . A persistent meme among the media is that Ben Carson is a scientifically ignorant guy who thinks the earth was created six thousand years ago. Not so fast. The Christian Post is reporting on comments Carson made specifically addressing that issue. Stoyan Zaimov writes: Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson clarified...

Did they have to make it so pretty? [Pharyngula]

CONTRIBUTOR: . The NY Times has put together a lovely illustrated story about data collection on Greenland. The story is prettily terrifying, though. The ice is melting, and forming lakes of liquid water on the surface of the ice cap, which then drains away in fast-running rivers that cut deeper into the...

Selling Online Is Hot. Selling In China Is Hotter: PayPal Publishes Two Books To Help Small Biz Sell Internationally CONTRIBUTOR: . Selling internationally is challenging, but if you succeed there are so many benefits. PayPal is one vendor that has lots of experience selling online and resources to help small businesses do just that. Selling beyond your borders takes your ability to appreciate and understand another market, new cultures and customs....

When Skynet finally gets here it will be analog, not digital

CONTRIBUTOR: . That's historian of technology George Dyson contemplating the dangers of analog intelligence rather than digital intelligence in John Brockman's latest "big question" compilation, this time on AI. The real curveball however might be captured by another one of Dyson's quote: "My real worry is not that machines will become too...

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water: Empedocles of Acragas - The Pre-Socratic Philosopher with a Sense of Style CONTRIBUTOR: . Socrates and his successors Plato and Aristotle are perhaps the best known and most influential philosophers of ancient Greece. Nevertheless, Greek philosophy had already been flourishing for more than a century prior to the birth of Socrates (said to be in 469 BC). These Greek philosophers who were practicing their...

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