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CONTRIBUTOR: . Published on Oct 27, 2015 A piece of space junk that has been given the apt
name of ‘WTF’ is heading straight for Earth - and will crash into us in less
than a month. No one seems to know exactly what the flying object actually is -
. No sooner did the story of a lost prototype moon buggy
break in the news were there reports surfacing that it had been found. The
50-year-old lunar rover was not scrapped as NASA was led to report, but rather
it was set aside by an Alabama junkyard owner. The...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Real Human Ribs on
Earth for comparison: (image source: A Rib Found on Mars: Red arrow
points to a curving rib bone found on Mars. Image source:
CONTRIBUTOR: . The conjunction of
Venus (brightest), Jupiter (above Venus) and Mars (dimmer below Venus &
Jupiter) looking east in the morning twilight on October 25, 2015, as seen from
the west shore of Lake Annette, in Jasper National Park, Alberta. The mountain
is the Watchtower. Morning mist covers the lake waters....
CONTRIBUTOR: . All eyes are on the
"Great Pumpkin" asteroid ahead of its Halloween close approach. Asteroid 2015
TB145 still poses no threat to Earth, but it does continue to deliver some
surprises. The latest observations reveal meteoroids associated with the
asteroid are unlikely to hit Earth, but, if anything changes, they...
FORECAST: On Oct. 7th and 8th, a high-speed stream of solar wind hit Earth's
magnetic field, sparking strong geomagnetic storms and auroras. On Nov. 2nd -
5th, it could happen again. The same solar wind stream that caused the October
storms is set to return during...
The recent announcement by NASA confirming the presence of liquid water on Mars
pulls planetary protection into the spotlight and is causing some serious
head-scratching in the scientific community. On the one hand, having existing
liquid water on the Red Planet is a cause for wonder, excitement, and...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Sunflowers doing
what they do best: capturing sunlight. (Image Credit: OiMax, image unaltered,
CC2.0) “Those who are inspired by a model other than Nature, a mistress above
all masters, are laboring in vain.” -Leonardo DaVinci What DaVinci was talking
about, though it wasn’t called it at the time, was biomimicry....
CONTRIBUTOR: . Deployment of
Prospero on display at the British Science Museum . Image credit: Martin
Addison/Wikimedia Commons under a Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 license A relic of
the early Space Age turns 44 years old this week. The United Kingdom’s first and
only successful space launch using a UK-built rocket is still...
. All evidences: artifacts (note 1), tissue fossils (note 2), complex
organic molecules, water, methane, and now breathable oxygen gas (O2, molecular
oxygen). The latest discovery is breathable oxygen (note 3), which is generally
known as oxygen, but may be called dioxygen or molecular oxygen to distinguish
it from the element...
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