Restoring The American DreamNew
Book Exposes Deadly 'Progressive Dream' PAT
BOONE, Legendary Entertainer
Americans face an epic political and economic battle for our future. Which
visionary 'dream' will rule our nation? The American Dream? Or the
Progressive-Socialist-Utopian Dream?

Baltimore, once the second most popular destination for immigrants seeking the
American Dream, is now a key battlefield where the war between these two dreams
will decide America's future.
Craig R. Smith and Lowell Ponte tell the amazing story of how Baltimore arose,
then fell because of its addiction to Progressive corruption and welfare-state
dependency. This once great city now risks disintegrating in rioting, drugs and
Baltimores decline be our future?
this special offer Conservative Tribune readers can receive a FREE 16-page Executive Summary of the new book today. Simply
call 800-289-2646 or register online here. (As a bonus, you will also be eligible for a FREE
copy of this vital 240-page book when it's released!)