Thursday, October 29, 2015

Watch: Vet Just Asked Trump 1 Question That Makes Him Instantly Walk Off Stage - Video

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Watch: Vet Just Asked Trump 1 Question That Makes Him Instantly Walk Off Stage - Video CONTRIBUTOR: . by Jack Davis "Is the VA not doing the job?" For 21 years, a wounded veteran who served with the 101st Airborne fought for his nation. On Tuesday, in an emotionally charged face-to-face meeting, Donald Trump promised to take this veteran’s side in the ex-soldier’s current battlefield: the Department of...

5 CIA Conspiracy Theories That Are Actually True (With Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: . Far too often in politics, when a person or a group is being called out for wrongs they’ve committed, rather than debate the substance of the accusations, the words “Conspiracy Theorist” are tossed out into the debate, and like red meat to a pack of wolves, the wrongdoers party is...

Trump Update 10/28/2015.. Debate Night

CONTRIBUTOR: . Donald Trump Says the CNBC Debate Will Be 'Unfair' Is the third debate a do-or-die for the GOP establishment? What to Look For in the GOP Debate Trump 'begs' Iowans to turn poll numbers around Cranston: Trump Is 'Made of Teflon' Krauthammer on Trump's ability to handle threat from Carson...

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (10-28-15) George Noory & Max Keiser

CONTRIBUTOR: . Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (10-28-15) George Noory & Max Keiser - YouTube Co... FREE VIDEO HERE... this Wednesday, October 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest on Black Lives Matter activists, who were recently compared by national radio talkshow host Michael Savage to Hitler’s brown shirts,...

Why Is The IRS Spying On Americans’ Phone Calls? CONTRIBUTOR: . Barack Obama has done far more than neglect his duties as the chief law enforcement officer in the country by his willfully ignoring the very Constitution he swore an oath to uphold. To anyone paying attention (which means anyone NOT getting their news from network television to say the least),...

Live Feed: CNBC Debate -- 3rd GOP Republican Presidential Debate 2015 (video) CONTRIBUTOR: . LIVE FEED: CNBC DEBATE – 3RD GOP REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 2015 The third Republican presidential debate, which is tonight at 8 pm Eastern, will be aired live on CNBC. It will also be livestreamed on — but to view the livestream, you will have to log in to with...

Live Stream || Republican Presidential Debate – October 28, 2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Both debates will live stream here. The first starts at 6 pm ET, the second, main debate begins at 8 pm ET....

Schools in California Giving Guaranteed C to Everyone

CONTRIBUTOR: . Welcome to the new America: A nation where people want to be shameless and stupid while being congratulated for it. A School District in California now giving out guaranteed C grade to all students. There was a time in the not so distant past when people were held to a...

Max Igan Assaulted and Beaten After Delivering Pro Palestinian Speech

CONTRIBUTOR: . Max Igan Assaulted and Beaten After Delivering Pro Palestinian Speech10/25/15 Activist, humanitarian, Radio host and outspoken advocate for Palestinian rights Max Igan of was viciously attacked after delivering a Pro Palestine speech at the 2015 Freedom Summits in Byron Bay on October 23rd. "The attack came from nowhere" he...

X22Report The Next US False Flag Event Is Waiting For The Green Light For The Go Ahead - Episode 803b

CONTRIBUTOR: . The Next US False Flag Event Is Waiting For The Green Light For The Go Ahead - Episode 803b - YouTube &n... Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 10.28.2015CISA is going to control the internet and remove the...

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