Friday, October 30, 2015

Obama and United Nations at war against Christians and Patriots

Published on Feb 17, 2015

United Nations and Obama taking down America. Now the end begins pt 2 . The net is slowly closing in around us. But most people cant see it. Even thou it is happening right in front of them.
Before world war 2, the Jews thought it would never happen to them. But they were all rounded up, and placed in death camps.
Obama and his so called elite friends in high places, want a one world government, with the UN running the military power world wide.
So here lies the big question. Are you going to join them and take the mark of the beast, or are you going to stay loyal to Christ right to the very end, no matter what happens. ?
I believe the saints will go through final testing before some get raptured. Most will die by guillotine, after this event, because they were either only Luke warm or back slidden at that time. So make sure your ready NOW!!!!!!! REPENT AND FORGIVE ALL.

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