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CoyotePrime. “Chemtrails/Geoengineering is Playing God with Weather” By Greg
Hunter’s “Lead researcher Dane Wigington for the global climate
engineering informational website,, says newly
discovered U.S. government documents prove global climate manipulation, commonly
referred to as chemtrails, is real. Not only that, but the document, that
originated in...
CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew. In the
latest, and most bizarre yet, twist in Europe’s refugee crisis at least seven
hundred of the roughly 4,000 asylum-seekers who had initially been accomodated
by the German state of Lower Saxony have “mysteriously disappeared” according to
a survey in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ). Because many of the...
CONTRIBUTOR: Bob Rodgers. You are
at work and you are trying to beat the clock, is just one of those days when
nothing seems out of the ordinary. Suddenly you hear sirens in the distance and
the power goes out, you try to use the cellphone but the line is busy, it’s
CONTRIBUTOR: CoyotePrime. "10
Modern Mind Control Methods" by Nicholas West“The more one researches mind
control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated
script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the
human race into non-thinking automatons. For as...
CONTRIBUTOR: Makia Freeman. The New
World Order agenda is the alien agenda as the late Phil Schneider said. The
trail to the top of the NWO pyramid goes off-planet to Extraterrestrials … and
beyond. The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda, as the late
whistleblower Phil Schneider once said. Many are...
The Vatic Project. Vatic Note: This below was no surprise to me at all, for
a couple of reasons: The main one is seriously bad service at the stores. We
just had a Walmart open up in our little podunk town way up in the mountains of
Colorado, and with another superstore, only...
MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important
News in the World Today TMR Editor's Note: While the following analysis does an
excellent job explaining the human perspective, it does not address the
extra-terrestrial component. That would take another lengthy essay. The CCRG has
previously written about those off-planet overlords who...
CONTRIBUTOR: It Makes Sense Blog.
by BOB PRICE Texas Governor Greg Abbott admonished Dallas County Sheriff Lupe
Valdez over her recent decision to consider honoring immigration detainers on a
“case-by-case” basis. The governor said sanctuary city policies like this will
“no longer be tolerated in Texas.” Governor Abbott wrote the tersely worded
letter to Sheriff...
CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven
“The burden of the uninsured immigrant is huge. It’s exploded the amount of work
[hospitals] have to do.” Jeff Spade, vice president of the North Carolina
Hospital Association says We don’t have to look very far to see the affects mass
immigration has had...
common sense. Who are we keeping out? The First Amendment to the
Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and I honor that regardless of the
religion. I am commanded by Jesus to love my enemies. I try my best, but I
confess that I often fall short of the glory of God. As...
CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories
CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot
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