Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Horrible Breaking News: NATO Preps “Concentration Camps” For Mass Detainees—Proof and Footage!


Evening Edition: Top 10 Trending Stories

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Horrible Breaking News: NATO Preps “Concentration Camps” For Mass Detainees—Proof and Footage!

CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven In the eye-opening video below by Gary Franchi at The Next News Network, he delves through the haunting truth staring many of us in the face. That is that NATO is preparing their Mass Detention Centers for occupancy—or better remembered as, “Concentration Camps.” This is...


48-Hour Global False Flag Alert - Threat Level Alpha!

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. The international news agency, Next News Network, has raised the global False Flag Alert level to Threat Level ALPHA for the next 48 hours, for the nations of, China and the United States. The alert has been elevated to Threat Level ALPHA due to U.S. Naval activities of the USS...


When Will the UN Bring the "Rape of Nanking" to America?

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The phrase “The Rape of Nanking” has special significance in world history as it relates to the genocidal treatment of a conquering army and the utter devastation that it can bring to a civilian population. If you are unfamiliar with this historical event, you may wish to review these...


Sickening New ‘Anti-American’ PSYOP Ran On Arizona High School Football Fans

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/0fcf615977/e675359788/c746a61899 CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. Say whatever you want about Glenn Beck. Whether you love him or hate him, he is dead on with this one. In the first 1:30 of the video below, Glen Beck goes on a mini-tirade on his radio show a ways back. He starts off by saying, “There is going...


"Conspiracy Theorists" are Vindicated: U.S. Senate Reports Chemtrails are Real and are Killing Us!

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/0fcf615977/e675359788/99fdb195fe CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. You are viewed as one pathetic "Conspiracy Theorist" if you think the U.S. Government is and has been involved in spraying harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Chemtrails is what you call them...a term that is often followed by eye-rolls and quiet chuckles. Well, now you have an OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT...


Clinton 2016 Conspiracy Shocker! Must See Documentary

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/0fcf615977/e675359788/5504b7ee72 CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator. Clinton 2016 Conspiracy Shocker! Must See Documentary by World Documentary Channel 48 Hour Global False Flag Alert – Threat Level Alpha Please Distribute Widely If You Think Your Kid’s Vaccines Are Safe, Don’t Watch This...


Happening Now! US Boots on the Ground in Iraq Against ISIS (Video)

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/0fcf615977/e675359788/633d1c6ce6 CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. 27 Oct 15 Sec. of Defense Ash Carter has declared US Boots of the Ground as thousands of US Troops will be deployed to Iraq to fight ISIS Ash Carter: Fight against ISIS is intensifying Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Tuesday outlined to Congress the United States'...


Use This Trick To See a Map Of Everywhere Google Knows You’ve Been

CONTRIBUTOR: JB Bardot. If you have a Gmail account or use any of Google’s apps, there’s a good chance Google has some of your location data stored in its systems. Luckily, there’s an easy way to see exactly what Google knows about where you’ve been, and you can even see a map of...


DIY Spirulina Superfood Micro-Farm Can Prevent Starvation and Help you Survive Tough Times — Grow it Yourself

CONTRIBUTOR: JB Bardot. Create a micro-spirulina farm as an alternative to maintaining a full-fledged aquaponics garden and grow your own superfood to maintain good health, detox and provide nourishment during tough times. Economical and easy, growing spirulina is one of the best ways to ensure food security when times are rough. Exceptionally rich...


Jim Willie: What Will It Mean If the Yuan Gets Reserve-Currency Status?

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/0fcf615977/e675359788/1da7d07471 CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. GERMANY HAS ALREADY TOLD CHINA AND OTHER PACIFIC RIM NATIONS THEY ARE GETTING OUT OF THE U.S. DOLLAR! In the second video below, Jim Willie begins by saying he sincerely believes the Dollar is about to be rejected on the world stage in the very near future. He says things...


CONTRIBUTOR: william tell


CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority




CURATOR: Lisa Haven



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