Thursday, October 29, 2015

Student Says TX Teacher Forced 7th Graders to Deny God is Real, or Take a Failing Grade -Video

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Student Says TX Teacher Forced 7th Graders to Deny God is Real, or Take a Failing Grade -Video CONTRIBUTOR: . by Victor Skinner KATY, Texas – A Texas seventh-grader is standing up for her religious beliefs after she alleges her teacher forced students to deny that God is real, and threatened them with failing grades if they don’t agree. Jordan Wooley, a seventh grade student at West Memorial Junior...

Live Stream: The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report (video) CONTRIBUTOR: . LIVE STREAM: THE OFFICIAL HAGMANN & HAGMANN REPORT Guests: Steve Quayle ( Appearing during Hour 1: Ross Powell, Economist ( As in the Days of Noah: Are Christians taking the Word of God Literally? Hagmann Report Wednesday: From the Quantum Shift in US Dollar Destruction to Transhumanism- Babylon Rebuilt Mainstream...

The Antichrist is coming-- A biblical overview (By Pastor Ray)

CONTRIBUTOR: . Noted below is a link to a teaching from Pastor Ray on the topic of THE ANTICHRIST. The brief study presents an overview of what the Bible says about the nature, work and fate of the Antichrist. This teaching is presented by Restoration Church. Restoration Church is one year old....

Re: When Should You Shoot a Cop? -- The True Sovereign Man!

CONTRIBUTOR: . Re: When Should You Shoot a Cop? -- The True Sovereign Man! By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© — A Retired Police Sergeant and Living Christ! Remove yourself from 14 th Amendment Status, and withdraw consent from citizenship to Corporate Government, and you are no longer considered a...

All Saints’ and All Souls’ Notice - Palo Alto, California

CONTRIBUTOR: . The Saint Ann Choir will sing the Masses at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverley at Homer,in Palo Alto, California, for the feast of All Saints and the Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed. Click here to visit their website for information about other upcoming feasts (OF Christ the King,...

Pope establishes new dicastery for laity, family life

CONTRIBUTOR: . Junno Arocho Esteves | Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis announced he is establishing a new office for laity, family and life, which combines the responsibilities of two pontifical councils. The pope made the announcement Oct. 22 during the afternoon session of the Synod of Bishops on the...

Photos from the Populus Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage in Rome (Part 1) CONTRIBUTOR: . This past weekend, the Populus Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage to Rome was celebrated once again, coinciding with the end of the Synod on the Family, and the EF feast of Christ the King. Mr François Nanceau has been kind enough to share links to his photo albums of the events with...

Blessed Maria Restituta Kafka

CONTRIBUTOR: . Helen Kafka was born in 1894 to a shoemaker and grew up in Vienna, Austria. At the age of 20, she decided to join the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity and took the name Restituta after an early Church martyr.In 1919, she began working as a surgical nurse in Austria. When the...

Paul Tripp > Ambassadors For Christ

CONTRIBUTOR: . If you’ve heard me speak or if you’ve read any of my books, what I’m about to write shouldn’t be new to you: if you’re an adopted child of God, you’re not just called to be a recipient of saving grace; you’ve now been called to be a participant of...

416 – Classroom Management (video) CONTRIBUTOR: . On WELSTech this week we tackle classroom management from all angles – using technology, monitoring technology, and even good, old-fashioned teacher awareness tips. The discussion features our very own edtech guru, Jason Schmidt, who always delivers some lively conversation. Martin and Jason share their smartphone choices, and there’s a brand-new...

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