Download the "Mark of the Beast" mp3 files here: 100% on Scripture, but inspired by a dream I had early Sabbath morning (about 5 or 6 am) on 21 September 2013.
The five groups are as follows:
GROUP ONE: Those who belong to the world, who are of the world. They are motivated by the spirit of the dragon (Satan), in Revelation
16:13. They get the Mark of the Beast in the right hand. They are eternally lost.
GROUP TWO: Those who belong to the false "Christian" churches within the system of Babylon (which are most of them!) This comprises Catholicism (although some Catholics actually belong to Group One) and fallen/apostate Protestantism. The latter is also the "False Prophet" mentioned in Revelation
16:13, whilst the former is the "Beast" mentioned in Revelation
16:13. They receive the Mark of the Beast in the forehead. They are also eternally lost.
GROUP THREE: The 144000. They overcome the Beast and his Mark. They live through the seven last plagues (Revelation 16). They are the only believers who are alive after probation closes. They are eternally saved.
GROUP FOUR: The rest of the (true!) believers who have truly accepted the Present Truth for our time. They will be martyred (Revelation 20:4; beheaded) for their faith in Christ and for their fidelity to the commandments of God. They will die by martyrdom before probation closes. They are eternally saved (although they will be temporarily dead).
GROUP FIVE: These are the "tares" mentioned in Matthew 13, who have superficially accepted the Present Truth. (The majority of the tares belong to Group Two; but the rest are found in Group Five.) They profess to accept the truth. But in actual fact they are living a lie. They are weighed in the balances, and found wanting (Daniel
5:27). During the time of trouble: some will turn back into the world (becoming either Group One or Two); some will die with the martyrs (but as hypocrites); some will live until the Second Coming of Christ; some will die in the seven last plagues. They are eternally lost (even though they will be temporarily alive).
Groups One and Two are in favour of Sunday.
Groups Three and Four are in favour of the Sabbath.
Group Five professes the Sabbath (as they have superficially accepted the Present Truth); but due to fear and other factors, they are unable to overcome the devil. Those who live through the seven last plagues will be lost.
After Group 4 are martyred, then probation closes. It is then that Revelation
22:11 is pronounced. Jesus then leaves the Heavenly Sanctuary. His mediation between God and man is ended. He takes off His priestly garments. He puts on His kingly garments. He prepares to come back to this earth in power and great glory. Meanwhile the seven last plagues are being poured out.
So the events are as follows:
• The Sunday Law (The Mark of the Beast)
• Group 4 is martyred
• Probation closes
• The Seven Last Plagues
• Jesus returns (The Second Coming)
During the time of trouble: only use mobile phones where you can remove the battery. Have agreed times when you will switch it on to contact one another. Do not switch it on outside of those times. (Because with the battery in, the government can track you.)
• The wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest (the end of the world)
• The time of trouble happens before the end of the world
• Therefore we still have wheat and tares, even during the time of trouble
Wheat = those who love and obey the truth
Tares = those who look like wheat on the surface, but underneath they have a bad character; they are deceived on some points of doctrine
• The 144000 have a perfect theology
• The martyrs have a perfect or almost perfect theology
• The tares in the Present Truth are deceived on some points of doctrine
Most of the tares are left in the false churches (Group Two), yet a few are also found in Group Five.
This video is based on Luke
17:34. As Jesus comes back, "in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left."
In the small companies to begin with we had a mixture of Groups Three, Four and Five. But now everyone in Group Four has been laid to rest in sleep (death/martyrdom). Some in Group Five have also either died or turned back into the world. So then when Jesus returns, all that is left in the little companies are the 144000 (Group 3 (eternally saved)) and the few remaining tares who stuck it out during the seven last plagues (Group 5 (eternally lost)). And "in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left." Luke
By the way, I am not 100% sure if my understanding on this is totally correct. But I think it ought to be, if we take Luke
17:34 as literal (and not figurative).
What do you think? Please do your own studies and leave a comment or make a video.
Isaiah 25:9.