Monday, February 29, 2016

Revelation of Jesus Christ shared Book of Revelation's post with you.
Revelation of Jesus Christ shared Book of Revelation's post with you.
Book of Revelation
Jesus said, "I came to send FIRE on the earth, and how I WISH (WILL) it were already kindled!" Luke 12:49
2,000 years ago the "FIRE" wasn't ALREADY KINDLED, but Jesus was just WISHING it were!

When will the coming "Consuming" "Fire"  be Unleashed or "Kindled" according to the scriptures?

In the Opening Vision before the 7 Trumpets at Revelation 8:5, the "Angel takes FIRE from the alter, and hurls it to the earth."
What follows in Trumpet 1 & 2 is a lot of "*BURNING!"*
"(vs7) The 1st angel sounded:  ...

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See Why Doctors Are Calling This Controversial Smart Pill "Viagra For The Brain." Should It Be Banned?

See Why Doctors Are Calling This Controversial Smart Pill "Viagra For The Brain." Should It Be Banned?

Monday, February 29, 2016
Experts say most people only use 10% of their brain’s potential. But what if there was a pill that could unlock the other 90%? Researchers have now discovered the key to boost your brain power, sharpen your mind, and sky-rocket your energy levels.
Welcome To The Future— The use of these "smart pills" has taken the nation by storm and skyrocketed on college campuses, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and professional athletes.. It’s being touted as an Adderall replacement, and many students are taking full advantage of its availability to buy online without a prescription.
This revolutionary product is called Cognifocus™ - a memory enhancer that helps to support better brain function, memory, concentration and cognition. This health supplement can also help provide people with the boost to their brain function that they need no matter what age they may be at.
There has been much controversy around these types of supplements not only on college campuses, but also in the media. It first came into the spotlight when the movie Limitless became a box office hit and several blogs started comparing it to Cognifocus™. Sales of this breakthrough product tripled overnight as students, athletes, entrepreneurs, and business executives all wanted to get their hands on this powerful brain enhancer.
Cognifocus™, which has no recorded side effects, was soon the target of critics who claimed it wastoo powerful to be sold without a prescription. Other people in academic circles insisted that Cognifocus provided an artificial edge for its users and was unfair to those who weren’t taking it.
“My ability to think and focus more than doubled when I was able to buy Cognifocus again. The pill’s return prevented me from dropping out of college,”
Pre-med College Student

Does Cognifocus Really Work?

We identified these "smart pills" as a category which could be confusing to a consumer since there were so many brands on the market, all of which were claiming to be the best. Because of this, we decided to investigate for ourselves and what we found was shocking.
We scoured the internet on reviews sites like Amazon and Consumer Reports websites like the BBB and everyone had the same thing to say - Not only was everyone having success with Cognifocus™, but it works so well that they take it everyday - no matter what. Some even said that they were being called "superman" at the office because of how productive they became.
After studying all the ingredients in supplements which are reported to improve mental function, we learned what dose is effective, and also the specific areas of improvement that they hope to support. Taking 2 pills of Cognifocus™ each day is the optimal dose.
In conclusion: Since people really are having success with Cognifocus™, it’s no wonder the product is literally flying off the shelf. Our research concluded that Cognifocus™ is one of the most reliable, trusted, and highly effective products on the market today.
When I tried it, I found myself bouncing out of bed, sometimes even before my alarm went off because I couldn’t wait to take Cognifocus™. Things that used to annoy me were no longer an issue. I hardly got stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and get back into peak performance mode. One thing I didn’t expect was the euphoric feeling I got while doing work on Cognifocus. As a result, I’ve enjoyed my work so much more and my mood has greatly improved. In fact, my co-workers keep making fun of me for walking around with a permanent grin on my face.

Want To Try It For Yourself?

For a limited time, the manufacturer of Cognifocus™ is offering our readers 75% off every orderand in some cases a free bottle so you can try it for yourself. They also mentioned that anyone who orders today will get free shipping!
WARNING: Cognifocus™ was specifically created for anyone looking to drastically increase their focus - you will experience an extreme boost in energy and memory recall as well as the ability to focus like never before - use as directed if you think you can handle these effects.

UPDATE: Carbon Monoxide Gases On West Coast Getting Worse

Published on Feb 29, 2016

Mike From Around The World says "Carbon Monoxide Gases will get worse on the West Coast and Midwestern America" also Help Us Spread The Word

Tom Horn And Sharon Gilbert’s Comments On SID ROTH LIVE Confirmed A Day Later—Pentagon Research Could Make ‘Brain Modem’ February 28, 2016

  • Tom Horn And Sharon Gilbert’s Comments On SID ROTH LIVE Confirmed A Day Later—Pentagon Research Could Make ‘Brain Modem’

    February 28, 2016
    The tiny injectable machine could turn your noodle into a remote control. The Pentagon is attempting what was, until recently, an impossible technological feat—developing a high-bandwidth neural interface that would allow people to beam data from their minds to external devices and back. That’s right—a brain modem. One that could allow a soldier to, for example, control a drone with his mind. This seemingly unlikely piece of technology has just gotten a lot less unlikely.
  • Sweden Says Human Microchip Implants Are Key To The Future, To Begin Implementation

    February 28, 2016
    Imagine a world where people can enter buildings and turn on machines using a tiny microchip in their hands. Well, that future—at least for Sweden—isn’t too far out. A few office workers in Sweden are being injected with a microchip the size of a grain of rice “that will open doors, turn on machines and serve as a business card,” according to Q13 Fox. The Swedish company plans to eventually have the chip allow workers to pay for their meals at the office cafĂ© as well.
  • Men Not Needed For INHUMAN Amazonian Women Of Near Future

    February 28, 2016
    transhuman religion
    Scientists have claimed they have found a way for women to have babies without men by creating artificial sperm. The team from China claim they have created healthy mouse babies by injecting laboratory-made sperm into eggs to produce mouse offspring. The scientists claim their stem cell technique could pave the way for new treatments for male fertility. But British experts have called for the results to be independently verified and pointed out that any practical application is likely to…
  • Eight Questions To Ask Now That Human Genetic Engineering Is Set To Go Mainstream

    February 28, 2016
    Will genetic engineering permanently change our society? Gene therapies are typically done to cure individuals, not alter subsequent generations. But for each such therapy, if effective, the genetic changes will nevertheless be present in future children due to widespread use. This is cultural, not genetic, inheritance — as occurs with other compelling technological innovations, such as cars and phones. Indeed, “cultural inheritance” can spread far more rapidly, in a matter of months rather than over a period of 25 years in generational time.
  • China Throws Down The Gauntlet In Gene-Editing Race With U.S.

    February 28, 2016
    Trans Nephilim
    Formally called Crispr-Cas9, the genetic editing tool acts like a pair of low-cost and highly precise molecular scissors that can cut out unwanted sections of DNA and insert desired ones. It has revolutionized what was once a time-consuming, pricey and inaccurate process, and scientists and businesses worldwide are seeking to capitalize on this emerging technique. The expertise the Chinese groups are developing positions them to eventually challenge U.S. gene-editing companies, some of which have raised millions in venture capital.
  • Latest Post-Christian Era Fad Rejects God’s Image, Replaces With Frightening, Demonic Features, Eyes

    February 28, 2016
    Trans Eyes
    Mr Cobra says that his first clients wanted to have blue eyeballs like characters in the science fiction novel Dune. Black has become the colour du jour amongst gentlemen who wish to look dangerous. Mr Cobra tries to ensure that they give informed consent to the procedure: “I tell them you’re going to look frightening forever to the majority of people you encounter. You might find people have trouble connecting with you or looking at you because they can’t follow your iris.”

News 2/22/16: 99% Chance of Major Quake in California

News 2/22/16: 99% Chance of Major Quake in California

Experts with the US Geological Service and the Jet Propulsion Lab say there is a high probability of a major earthquake in southern California, possibly within the next three years.
Also: Deadly bombings in Syria, Iran gives billions to Russia to upgrade its military, the fight heats up over the next Supreme Court justice, and the UK votes on leaving the EU.

This, the power of the cross: (The Power of the Cross, Stuart Townend & Keith Getty)

I have heard it said that there is nothing more "liberating, redeeming, costly, significant, or glorious in all of human history" than the sacrifice of our Messiah. Everything that our God has, and everything that was accomplished and everything He made available to us are in that magnificent act of grace. And that ongoing power will transform lives and is still working every second of every day. And all we have to do is come. Come and surrender our lives.
This, the power of the cross: Christ became sin for us, Took the blame, bore the wrath: We stand forgiven at the cross (The Power of the Cross, Stuart Townend & Keith Getty)
The saddest part of all this is that many Christians still live frustrated and defeated lives. As far as they know, the cross only symbolizes the forgiveness of their sins, and nothing more. But my friends, while Jesus was having our sins forgiven, He was also providing a means of destroying the power of our sinful nature. He accomplished this by providing His Spirit to live within us which gives us the power to live a victorious life every day of our life! This became available by His Cross!
We need to apply this finished work of the cross to our lives. Look at what Paul wrote:
"He died for all people so that [now get this] those who live should no longer live for themselves but for the man who died and was brought back to life for them . . . Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence" (II Corinthians 5:15-17)
Wow! So, if we want to live in the daily blessings and power of everything Jesus already won for us, what are we supposed to do? Seriously, how are we suppose to live so we can reap the joy, the happiness, and the peace that we are promised? Do we have to continually "beat ourselves up"? You know, continually see our failures and weakness and cry? Do we have to stand on the street corner and preach to everyone? Do we have to beat our bodies with leather straps? I sure hope not.
But no, it is much simpler than that. And we don't even have to wait for the answer. It is not in some mystical and mysterious secret that is waiting to be discovered. No, no. We can find it in something Paul wrote:
"It is unthinkable that I could ever brag about anything except [ooh, ooh. Yes?] the cross of our Lord Yeshua Christ. [Huh?] By his cross my relationship to the world and its relationship to me have been crucified!" (Galatians 6:14)
That's it! It is in the Cross of our Lord Yeshua Christ! It is through His cross that our relationship to the world and our sin have been put to death! They no longer have any control or power over us! But, why do so many believers and disciples of Christ fail to live righteously? Simply because they have never embraced the message of the cross. And that, my friends, is because it is no longer taught in our churches. Because know teaches the power of the Cross, they do not have the opportunity to hear about the freedom that is available.
However, there could also be an easier answer and it is seen in the Emancipation Proclamation. You see, with the stroke of a pen, hundreds of thousand of slaves were freed. They could go anywhere they chose. But many remained where they were. Why? Why in the world would they remain in slavery? Well, there are many reasons, but one big one is that they didn't want to face the unknown. Living as a slave is all they knew. To go where they had never been and experience the new liberty they were given was too frightening.
You see, right now, in the middle of our massive technological age, with all of our scientific and communication breakthroughs, and all of the impressive opportunities, the only ones accepting and acting on their new freedom are those who have true wisdom, and live simply by the influence and power of the Spirit and by glorying and boasting in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ!
There is a tremendous passage that encapsulates this perfectly:
For the message of the cross is foolishness, absurd and illogical to those who are perishing and spiritually dead. [Why?] because they reject it! However, to those of us who are being saved by God’s grace, it is the manifestation of the power of God!" (I Corinthians 1:18)
Wow! Oh man, if you want to see your Father in all of His power and glory, then take a look at Jesus Christ dying on a cross! It is at the cross that God in Christ conquered death, hell, sin sickness and all of the ailments of mankind! That is where He purchased for us all the glory, life, and freedom we would ever need, and more! It has, my friends, already been done for you, all you have to do is accept it and live by it!
Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, has paid the price for our sins so we don't have to. When He died on that cross and rose again, He defeated the power of sin and death in the life of every person who surrenders their life to Him.
God is serious about the cross. We need to be serious, too.
Nickolas Doulos Studies (
(I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list. However, you can also find these messages at: Thought For The Day

Hillary Clinton "We Don't Need To Make America Great"

Published on Feb 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton says "We Don't Need To Make America Great" also she said "Instead of Building Walls, we need to tearing down barriers" also also also Help Us Spread the Word

Economic Recovery? 13 Of The Biggest Retailers Are Closing Down Stores

  Breaking Updates For February 29, 2016
Economic Recovery? 13 Of The Biggest Retailers Are Closing Down Stores
Barack Obama recently stated that anyone that is claiming that America's economy is in decline is "peddling fiction". Well, if the economy is in such great shape, why are major retailers shutting down hundreds of stores all over the country?
Smartphone Banking The Wave Of The Future
Today's smartphone has steadily transformed and replaced numerous forms of communication, banking and payments, entertainment, internet access and much more. Debit cards seem to be the next victim in the crosshairs of the unstoppable smartphone.

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New Social Security Law – Did You Win or Lose?

On May 1, 2016 Congress' historic Social Security reform goes live. Some Americans stand to lose $50,000. Others will win big... [Full Story]
Battle For The Seas - China Gaining On US Military Superiority
The U.S Navy has made some notable strides towards improving its technological and marine weaponry. Yet other major armies, such as China s, are racing to match and exceed these capabilities. Will they succeed?
Kerry Slaps Abbas' Wrist on Palestinian Incitement
Just when you thought Secretary of State John Kerry couldn't get any weaker on the problem of Palestinian incitement and violence, he did.

Understand The Book of Revelation Today
Now the #1 Revelation series in America! This 10-Hour set shatters the endless debates on Revelation by presenting the most eye opening and inspiring prophecy based series ever released!


Five Groups During The Time Of The Mark Of The Beast (HD)

Published on Sep 28, 2013

Download the "Mark of the Beast" mp3 files here:

Based 100% on Scripture, but inspired by a dream I had early Sabbath morning (about 5 or 6 am) on 21 September 2013.

The five groups are as follows:

GROUP ONE: Those who belong to the world, who are of the world. They are motivated by the spirit of the dragon (Satan), in Revelation 16:13. They get the Mark of the Beast in the right hand. They are eternally lost.

GROUP TWO: Those who belong to the false "Christian" churches within the system of Babylon (which are most of them!) This comprises Catholicism (although some Catholics actually belong to Group One) and fallen/apostate Protestantism. The latter is also the "False Prophet" mentioned in Revelation 16:13, whilst the former is the "Beast" mentioned in Revelation 16:13. They receive the Mark of the Beast in the forehead. They are also eternally lost.

GROUP THREE: The 144000. They overcome the Beast and his Mark. They live through the seven last plagues (Revelation 16). They are the only believers who are alive after probation closes. They are eternally saved.

GROUP FOUR: The rest of the (true!) believers who have truly accepted the Present Truth for our time. They will be martyred (Revelation 20:4; beheaded) for their faith in Christ and for their fidelity to the commandments of God. They will die by martyrdom before probation closes. They are eternally saved (although they will be temporarily dead).

GROUP FIVE: These are the "tares" mentioned in Matthew 13, who have superficially accepted the Present Truth. (The majority of the tares belong to Group Two; but the rest are found in Group Five.) They profess to accept the truth. But in actual fact they are living a lie. They are weighed in the balances, and found wanting (Daniel 5:27). During the time of trouble: some will turn back into the world (becoming either Group One or Two); some will die with the martyrs (but as hypocrites); some will live until the Second Coming of Christ; some will die in the seven last plagues. They are eternally lost (even though they will be temporarily alive).

Groups One and Two are in favour of Sunday.
Groups Three and Four are in favour of the Sabbath.
Group Five professes the Sabbath (as they have superficially accepted the Present Truth); but due to fear and other factors, they are unable to overcome the devil. Those who live through the seven last plagues will be lost.

After Group 4 are martyred, then probation closes. It is then that Revelation 22:11 is pronounced. Jesus then leaves the Heavenly Sanctuary. His mediation between God and man is ended. He takes off His priestly garments. He puts on His kingly garments. He prepares to come back to this earth in power and great glory. Meanwhile the seven last plagues are being poured out.

So the events are as follows:
• The Sunday Law (The Mark of the Beast)
• Group 4 is martyred
• Probation closes
• The Seven Last Plagues
• Jesus returns (The Second Coming)

During the time of trouble: only use mobile phones where you can remove the battery. Have agreed times when you will switch it on to contact one another. Do not switch it on outside of those times. (Because with the battery in, the government can track you.)

• The wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest (the end of the world)
• The time of trouble happens before the end of the world
• Therefore we still have wheat and tares, even during the time of trouble

Wheat = those who love and obey the truth
Tares = those who look like wheat on the surface, but underneath they have a bad character; they are deceived on some points of doctrine

• The 144000 have a perfect theology
• The martyrs have a perfect or almost perfect theology
• The tares in the Present Truth are deceived on some points of doctrine

Most of the tares are left in the false churches (Group Two), yet a few are also found in Group Five.

This video is based on Luke 17:34. As Jesus comes back, "in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left."

In the small companies to begin with we had a mixture of Groups Three, Four and Five. But now everyone in Group Four has been laid to rest in sleep (death/martyrdom). Some in Group Five have also either died or turned back into the world. So then when Jesus returns, all that is left in the little companies are the 144000 (Group 3 (eternally saved)) and the few remaining tares who stuck it out during the seven last plagues (Group 5 (eternally lost)). And "in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left." Luke 17:34.

By the way, I am not 100% sure if my understanding on this is totally correct. But I think it ought to be, if we take Luke 17:34 as literal (and not figurative).

What do you think? Please do your own studies and leave a comment or make a video.

Isaiah 25:9.
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