Friday, February 26, 2016

And let us know eagerly strive to know the LORD His going forth is sure as the morning. HOSEA (6:3) (The Israel Bible™)

Despite adversity Israelis smile more | 16 Adar I 5776
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And let us know eagerly strive to know the LORD His going forth is sure as the morning.


נֵדְעָה נִרְדְּפָה לָדַעַת אֶת-יְ-הוָה כְּשַׁחַר נָכוֹן מֹצָאוֹ

 הושע ו:ג

nayd-a nir-d'-fa la-da-at et a-do-nai k'-sha-khar na-khon mo-tza-o

Jerusalem Inspiration

The prophet Hosea is instructing the Nation to 'eagerly strive' to know God.  He uses the word 'nir-d'-fa' which is often translated as chasing after something or someone.  The Sages use this verse to teach a valuable lesson; we are advised to hasten to perform a mitzvah, literally, to run after the good and perform it eagerly!  Israel365 is taking this message to heart as we are literally running to perform good through the Jerusalem Marathon! All proceeds raised will go towards gladdening the sick children of Jerusalem with a fantastic Purim party. You too can heed the prophet's advice and support Israel365 in our goal.

Smile in the Face of Adversity

Israel is rated as one of the happiest countries in the world, not because life is easy, but because we smile despite the adversity we face.

The Year of Jerusalem Unity

The 2016-2017 school year will be “The Year of Jerusalem Unity.” Marking the fiftieth anniversary of the city’s reunification in 1967, schools across the country will celebrate its capital, chosen by King David and sanctified by God Himself.

Silk Talit

A Talit, or prayer shawl, is a garment with fringes which is wrapped around a supplicant during prayer, as a constant reminder to fulfill God’s commandments. Galilee Silks is a leading silk designer that specializes in the hand-dying of raw white silk and produces a distinctive range of unique Judaica textile products, fashion items and silk accessories. Their factory is located in Kibbutz Beit Haemek in the northern part of Israel.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Sharon Gabay's photo of Jerusalem's Menachem Begin Highway. The road is named after Israel's sixth Prime Minister, and local Jerusalemites simply refer to it as 'Begin.'

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“A Blessed Way to Begin Each Day”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  What a blessed way to begin each day;  I was truly blessed to read this Scripture -- thank you and each one of you who takes a part in doing this. Be blessed of God. Carolyn, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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