Friday, February 26, 2016

Watch: Legendary Actor Dick Van Dyke Just Made Massive Presidential Endorsement, Many Won't Like It
Watch: Legendary Actor Dick Van Dyke Just Made Massive Presidential Endorsement, Many Won't Like It
Wow. Some of his fans are really going to be disappointed when they see this... Read more...
BOOM: Kanye’s GoFundMe Account Just Backfired In a Huge Way
Kanye West recently complained about somehow getting himself $53 million in debt. To cover those losses, a GoFundMe account has been set up to help him in his "struggle."However, it just backfired in a MASSIVE way. Here's how... Read more...
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People Instantly Noticed This One Thing Behind Obama During Gitmo Speech
While Obama announced his intention to close the Guantanamo Bay facility, viewers immediately noticed something odd behind him. Many are saying this cannot be a coincidence, and it could be a huge slap in the face to Americans...Do you support keeping GITMO open? Read more...
BREAKING: GOP Senate Actually Does Its JOB, Makes Massive Announcement About Barack Obama
It took far too long, but it looks like GOP Senators are finally standing up to Obama, right when it counts.This massive stand has a chance to shape our democracy for decades to come... Read more...
Wow: ‘American Chopper’ Star Paul Teutul Has A Major Announcement About 2016 Race
The star of this hit TV show just dropped a presidential endorsement that has a lot of people talking, and many people are NOT going to like it...Do you support this television star's presidential pick? Read more...
VIDEO: Jeb Bush Asked If He Would Be Trump’s VP… His Answer Left Reporters In Stitches
Finally, Jeb says something interesting....
Rumors Are Flying That THIS Repub Candidate Could Be Trump’s VP Pick – It’s NOT Who You’d Expect…
Donald Trump's campaign has been totally unpredictable from the start, and everyone is speculating about who he would choose as vice president. Many insiders believe they know who it will be, and there's 1 HUGE reason they might be right...Would Trump choose this person as his VP? Read more...
BREAKING: Trump Uses “P Word” To Describe His Plans For Hillary If He’s Elected
Donald J. Trump just shocked the mainstream media when he used a word that Hillary NEVER wanted to hear.This is exactly why Donald is dominating the polls... Read more...
Watch: Obama Just Got Caught Making ‘Joke’ About Scalia’s Death – People Are LIVID
WOW - there was something Obama just slipped into this speech that people immediately noticed, and it's dropping jaws everywhere...Do you think the comment Obama made was disrespectful? Read more...
BREAKING: Fed Judge Drops Hammer On Clinton Aides… Hillary Dreaded This Moment
This is the very moment Hillary has dreaded ever since her email scandal troubles began.You can bet that "Team Hillary" slipped into full panic mode after they heard the news... Read more...
BREAKING: Senate Just Defied Obama In HUGE Way With Massive Decision That’ll Have Him Furious
Wow. Senate Republicans are sending a strong message to President Obama, and they're NOT backing down at all.Do you support what the Senate just did? Read more...
Police Unions Band Together Across America… Hit Beyoncé With BRUTAL News
Police officers across the country have had enough of Beyoncé's cop-hating Super Bowl 50 performance. Officers' unions have banded together and hit the singer with BRUTAL news.She DEFINITELY had this coming... we support these officers 100 percent. Read more...

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