Monday, February 29, 2016

Dominion and fear are with Him; He maketh peace in His high places. JOB (25:2) (The Israel Bible™)

Did you get your FREE "blessing for the home"? | 20 Adar I 5776
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Dominion and fear are with Him;
He maketh peace in His high places.

הַמְשֵׁל וָפַחַד עִמּוֹ עֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו

אִיּוֹב כה:ב

ham-shayl va-fa-khad i-mo o-se sha-lom bim-ro-mav

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse forms the first part of a famous Jewish prayer: “He maketh peace in high places, He will make peace upon us and upon all the house of Israel, and let us say: Amen.” The medieval commentator Rashi explains that the Hebrew word for heaven, ‘shamayim,’ comes from the Hebrew words ‘aish’ (fire) and ‘mayim’ (water), as the two came together in harmony to make up the heavens (Genesis 1:8). The prayer represents the hope for peace in this world, just as the Lord has made peace in the heavens. Bring peace into your home with a special "Birkat Ha'Bayit," Blessing for the Home, written in both English and Hebrew, courtesy of Meir Panim, an incredible non-profit organization caring for the poor of Israel.

Hebrew Music Monday:
The Peacemaker

Sing along to today's verse in this classic Hebrew song "Oseh Shalom" ("He Who Makes Peace"), an all-time favorite and so easy to sing along to!

Bat Mitzvah Girl Pleads "Donate to Israel in Lieu
of Gifts"

Here's one American girl who truly came of age at her Bat Mitzvah, asking guests to donate to Israel in lieu of any gifts on her special day. She then came to volunteer at a Meir Panim soup kitchen to better understand the plight of poverty stricken people in Israel.

"Miriam's Drum" Music CD

This music CD taps into the spiritual need for song while praising God, by combining ancient prayers with biblical Miriam's most beloved instrument, the drum. Featuring authentic, spiritual melodies to ancient Jewish prayers, energized by world class percussion and ethnic instrumentation. Tziona Achishena’s beautiful, soulful, and unique voice brings these ancient prayers to life with rhythms made for dancing.

Today's Israel Photo

Beautiful heavens above the Tel Aviv promenade by Yehoshua Halevi.

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Dear Rabbi, I have no earthly words that can describe my gratefulness for all you have done. Your writings are a direct message from my Father in heaven each time and i tell you not a lie your messages are always precise, on time and brings heavenly tears to my eyes as it highlights the greatness of our God each time. Thank you and may Father bless and keep you. Michelle, South Africa

Thank you for sending informative issues- Lourdes Yanez
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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